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Managing workflow and connector permissions

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The features within are only available to Slack workspaces on Enterprise Grid plans.

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While Workspace Admins and Org Admins can manage workflow permissions and approval requests from the admin settings site dashboard, they may find using the API directly for these actions is more efficient, especially when it comes to bulk actions.

Each of the methods outlined here accepts an OAuth user token with the specified scope. If you're working with a classic app, read more about authorization here, and if you're exploring new frontiers with workflow automations, read more about authorization here.

Read on to discover the API methods that help admins manage workflows, functions, and connectors in their org.

App management

Use the following methods to manage apps in your org.

admin.apps.activities.listRetrieves logs for an org or team
admin.apps.approveApproves an app for installation in a workspace
admin.apps.clearResolutionClears an app resolution, undoing the effect of admin.apps.approve or admin.apps.restrict
admin.apps.restrictRestricts an app for installation in a workspace
admin.apps.uninstallUninstalls an app from one or many workspaces or an entire enterprise org
admin.apps.approved.listLists approved apps for an org or workspace
admin.apps.requests.cancelCancels an app request for a team
admin.apps.requests.listLists app requests for a team or workspace
admin.apps.restricted.listLists restricted apps for an org or workspace
admin.apps.config.lookupLooks up the app config for connectors by their IDs
admin.apps.config.setSets the app config for a connector

Workflow management

Use the following methods to manage workflows in your org.

admin.workflows.searchSearches workflows within the team or enterprise
admin.workflows.permissions.lookupLooks up permissions for a set of workflows
admin.workflows.unpublishUnpublishes workflows within the team or enterprise
admin.workflows.collaborators.addAdds collaborators to workflows within the team or enterprise
admin.workflows.collaborators.removeRemoves collaborators from workflows within the team or enterprise

Function management

Use the following methods to manage functions in your org.

admin.functions.listLooks up functions by a set of apps
admin.functions.permissions.lookupLooks up the visibility of multiple Slack functions and includes the users if it is limited to particular named entities
admin.functions.permissions.setSets the visibility of a Slack function and defines the users or workspaces if it is set to named_entities