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Understanding Slack Connect

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Shared Channels allows you to collaborate with an external org!

With Slack Connect, channels connect you to people working at other companies and organizations.

The Conversation APIs manages most of the complexity for you. While many apps, bots, and other integrations should continue to work with channels that have members from multiple workspaces and organizations, you may face unexpected quirks.

If you'd like to directly manage Slack Connect for your organization using an app, check out our documentation on the Slack Connect APIs. Otherwise, read on to learn how to ensure your app handles Slack Connect gracefully.

What is Slack Connect?

In Slack Connect, a channel is a bridge between teams that need to work together. Teams use Slack Connect to communicate between workspaces and organizations. Slack Connect allows users of different organizations to chat, share files, and use apps in the same way they communicate with their more immediate colleagues in their own workspace.

How channels between organizations work

Messages and files

All workspaces involved in a connected channel can read and send messages, share files, and access the history of shared channels.

Channel settings

A connected channel may have different settings for each workspace it's party to.

  • Channel names may differ. What's one workspace's #do-stuff is another workspace's #do-nothing. It's best to make no assumptions about channel names and stick only with IDs.
  • One workspace might set the channel as private, while the other workspace may set the same channel as public.
  • Data retention settings may differ between teams.
With all these differences in channel type settings, you must use the new Conversations API instead of existing APIs such as channels.*, ims.*``, and groups.*`.

Technical considerations

Be on the lookout for minor differences in channel, message, user, team and related objects. When a channel can hold multiple teams within it, you'll naturally encounter messages and users originating from other teams.

Detecting when a channel has members from multiple workspaces or organizations

Your app can learn when channels become shared and unshared with another team by subscribing to the channel_shared and channel_unshared events in the Event Subscriptions tab in your Apps page.

To receive all shared events for channels or groups in a workspace, your app will need the channels:read or groups:read scopes respectively. To receive only shared events for channels and groups your bot user is in, your app just needs the bot scope.

Both shared events contain the ID of the channel itself, in addition to the team that the channel was shared or unshared with as follows:

"type": "channel_shared",
"connected_team_id": "T123ABC456",
"channel": "C123ABC456",
"event_ts": "1565722340.000000"

It may be helpful for your app to note the connected_team_id, as it will begin receiving messages and events from users on that external team.

External members

Your app will receive messages and events from users on external teams. Information about these users will be different than users on the workspace where your app is installed.

A stranger in shared channels

An external member. In their profile, a member from an external team will be marked with a square status indicator next to the username.

  • External members are members on the other team that your application shares channel membership with.
  • Strangers are external members on the other team that your application does not have a shared channel in common; you can find out about these members when the other team mentions them in the shared channel or shares one of their messages or files in the shared channel.

The user type object (returned by methods such as provides additional information to identify external members, while withholding some information your app may expect. External members are also returned in the conversations.members API response.

  • If the user is a stranger who isn't in any shared channels, the is_stranger flag is set true.
  • Both the [](/reference/scopes/ and users:read OAuth scopes are required to access the email field in user objects returned by the and users.list API methods. Learn more.
  • For external members and strangers, their profile data will not contain any locale information, even if you pass the include_locale flag.

Here's an example of a response from

"ok": true,
"user": {
"id": "U123ABC456",
"team_id": "T123ABC456",
"name": "rex",
"real_name": "Devon Rex",
"profile": {
"image_24": "https:\/\/.../11662770033.jpg",
"team": "T123ABC456",
"display_name": "eshellstrop"
// all that other stuff
"is_stranger": true

When you specify a user, you need to use a user's id instead of their username. With the new name-tagging feature, the username attribute cannot be relied upon as a unique identifier, and will not work with "foreign" users via the API. For example, you cannot use chat.postMessage with a username set to a foreign user.

A bot user is able to DM users on all connected workspaces, as long as users are in a shared channel together.

Same channel, different setting

When a channel gains members from another workspace or organization via Slack Connect, the channel ID may change depending on its setting.

If the channel is set to private, the ID prefix may change from G to C (e.g. G1234567890 becomes C1234567890) when it's shared. Subscribe to the channel_id_changed event to determine when a private channel's ID has changed because a share has been initiated.

Since each team in the channel can independently decide whether the channel is public or private on their end, there are some changes with the APIs too:

  • The conversations.* methods accept any type of channel.
  • The channel type object now includes the channel type info (public, private, and so forth).
  • The method will provide additional information on the workspaces connected to the shared channel and the ID of the host workspace.

The channel type object (returned by methods such as tells you additional channel information. If the channel is shared externally (i.e. not just between multiple workspaces in your Grid organization), is_ext_shared is set to true. If it is a private channel or a group DM channel, the properties is_private or is_mpim are set to true, respectively.

Use the is_ext_shared, is_private, and is_mpim flags exclusively to determine the privacy and type of a given channel.

Beware of is_shared, which also includes channels shared between multiple workspaces in the same organization.

Example response from conversations.list:

"ok": true,
"channels": [
"id": "C123ABC456",
"name": "product-qa",
"is_channel": true,
"created": 1491332036,
"creator": "U123ABC456",
"is_archived": false,
"is_general": false,
"is_shared": true,
"is_ext_shared": true,
"is_org_shared": false,
"is_member": false,
"is_private": true,
"is_mpim": false,
"members": [
{ ... },

Channels between organizations that are converted back to a single-organization channel

When a channel between organizations or workspaces is unshared by the host workspace, each workspace can still access channel history for all previous messages and activity. However, the channel in the disconnected workspace will be assigned a new ID, while the host workspace keeps the original channel ID.

Private channels between organizations

Channels between organizations and workspaces can be made private on a per-workspace basis. For instance, a public channel on one workspace can be shared with a private channel on another workspace. Use the Conversations API methods to work with the channels and to accurately determine their privacy.

When a workspace's private shared channel becomes unshared, its channel ID remains C-prefixed (i.e. C1234567890 does not change back to G1234567890) although the channel is still private—making channel prefix an unreliable indicator in determining privacy.

Design considerations

The most important technical requirement for supporting Slack Connect is that you must use the Conversations API to properly interact with channels that have been shared.

Next, we'll talk about design considerations for your app as it supports Slack Connect. Here's a quick set of questions to ask about your app before you should consider it compatible with Slack Connect:

  1. Does your app provide access to sensitive, internal data? You must ask for confirmation before sharing this information to an external partner.
  2. Does your app have a slash command, shortcut, or message action? Be prepared to share an explanatory message about how this action can only be invoked by users from the workspace that installed the app.
  3. Does your app have interactive elements? Consider who should be able to interact with those elements (such as buttons and dropdown menus). Check that the originating user is part of the authorized_users property in the interaction payload to ensure they're part of the installing authorization.
Test your app thoroughly before you describe it as compatible with Slack Connect.

If your app doesn't behave as expected, especially if it shares sensitive data to external parties, you may lose user trust, and you'll likely have your app uninstalled.

Behavior to expect

An app compatible with Slack Connect needs to account for authorization and installation differences among workspaces where it's installed. If your app is installed on a workspace that shares a channel with another workspace, your app could be authorized in one workspace but not authorized in the other. Likewise, an app that can be installed into multiple workspaces will need to implement functionality that understands which workspace to operate in and to receive information from.

The following are additional guidelines to consider while building an app that can exist across channels and workspaces:

Channels don't belong to a single workspace

A shared channel doesn't belong to a single workspace. If you need to look up a token or user to respond to an event, look at the authorized_users property.

The authorized_users property is an array that contains a set of one or more users who are authorized to view the event. A user can be a bot user or a human user who installed the app. For each user in the authorized_users property:

  • the app has a valid, correctly scoped token associated with that user, and
  • the event happened inside a channel that the authorized user was a member of.

The team_id property on the event's outer payload will mirror the first element in the authorized_users array. If you need a complete list of every authorized user for an event, you can use apps.event.authorizations.list.

Beware sharing users' data

As a rule of thumb, your app should default to exposing less information in shared channels to protect your users' data.

Bot users are accessible to all users on the workspace where your app is installed, and any external members in a channel between organizations where your bot is also present.

When an external member messages you, the event payload will contain a team_id property that indicates the workspace where the message came from. This property is identical to the first element of the authorized_users property, which is a set of one or more bot users or human users who installed the app. These users are authorized to see the event.

If your app typically shares sensitive information, make sure to change its behavior for external members.

Slash commands are not shared

Slash commands and message actions are not shared — they are limited only to the team that has installed the app to their team workspace.

Another team must install the app independently in order to be able to use them.

When your app is initiated by a slash command or message action, only the team that installed your app can invoke it, but external members can still see any information posted into channel as a result. For example, let's say Catnip inc. has installed a polling app that is initiated with a command /poll. Users in the Catnip inc. can initiate a poll, while Woof inc. can only vote on the poll, and cannot create a new poll.

App unfurls may surprise you

link_shared events are not delivered when an external member shares a link that matches your app's unfurling domain, unless the app is installed in their workspace.

Not all workspaces support Slack Connect

Slack Connect channels are not available to all free workspaces. If your app builds with the assumption that a workspace or organization uses Slack Connect, it may not be available to all end users and workspaces.

More than one workspace may be connected

Slack Connect channels can connect up to 250 organizations.

You may have multiple bot copies

If your app is installed on multiple workspaces that share a Slack Connect channel, you may have multiple app homes and multiple bot copies. Right now, we don't distinguish that a given app “belongs” to a particular workspace.

Beware of changing IDs on channels when a share is initiated

The moment a channel share is initiated, G-encoded private channels will have their ID immediately changed to be C-encoded—even if the channel is never successfully shared with an external org.

You'll want to subscribe to the new channel_id_changed event, which marks when a private channel's ID has changed due to being shared:

    "event": {
"type": "channel_id_changed",
"old_channel_id": "G123ABC456",
"new_channel_id": "C123ABC456",
"event_ts": "1612206778.000000"

Beware of frozen and disconnected channels

A conversation can be archived and frozen when an organization is disconnected from another with Slack Connect.

You may see a "frozen_reason": "connection_severed" in a Conversation object returned from the Conversations API. The ID of a disconnected channel will change if your organization was invited to share it—i.e., your organization is not the host. The host organization retains the original channel and original ID, while the invited organization get a copy of the channel that is assigned a new ID.

Your app will receive a channel_not_found error if you try to query the API with the original channel ID.

There's currently no way to find all channels shared with a specific external organization

Unfortunately, the conversations.list method does not include connected_team_ids.

Beware of is_shared

The property is_shared on a conversation object means the channel is shared with one or more workspaces. But beware: these can be internal workspaces (as with multi-workspace channels in Enterprise Grid) or external workspaces (as with Slack Connect).

Look for is_ext_shared and is_org_shared to learn which kind of shared channel you're viewing.

Determining whether a user is external must be done implicitly

Look for the is_stranger field in user objects. If it's true, your app does not share a channel with the user. If it's false, but the team associated with the user is not the installing team for your app, the user is external and your app does share a channel with them.

In other words, there is no single property to substantiate if the user is external or not: you must deduce it from a combination of the is_stranger and the team_id property.

Additional check required to access file info (check_file_info)

When uploaded into a Slack Connect channel, file object properties are not immediately accessible to apps listening via the Events API or RTM API. Instead, the payload will contain a file object with the key-value pair "file_access": "check_file_info" meaning that further action is required from your app in order to view an uploaded file's metadata.

    "files": [
"id": "F123ABC456",
"mode": "file_access",
"file_access": "check_file_info",
"created": 0,
"timestamp": 0,
"user": ""

This behavior is only observed for files uploaded into Slack Connect channels and occurs regardless of which workspace the uploader is a member of. Files uploaded into local conversations that send events to your app will contain the full file object. That said, expect this behavior even in local channels if the file was first uploaded into a Slack Connect channel before being shared to a local channel.

When your app is presented with the instruction to check file info, you should make a request to if you need to access the full file object.

When accessing conversation files and messages using conversations.history or conversations.replies, full file objects are returned. Similarly, listing files with files.list, using the Discovery API, or exporting your workspace data will also always return full file objects.

It is only when file events are pushed to your app that you will need an additional API call to view a file's properties.

Support strategies by feature

Events API

  • Support events originated from external users in shared channels.
  • No duplicated event triggering between shared channels.
  • To see which teams the event is delivered, look for the values of the authed_teams property for the response.


  • Support external users in shared channels. Some user-related actions will not be permissible due to their external nature.
  • Use to retrieve additional information on cross-team user ID not found in users.list.

Incoming webhooks

  • Messages from incoming webhooks are visible to all members of a shared channel.
  • Incoming webhooks can send DMs only to users on installed teams.

Slash commands

  • Slash commands can be only invoked by users belonging to the workspace your app is installed. Turn on entity resolution for mentioned users allowing you to identity them by id, including on foreign teams.

Message actions

  • Message actions can only be invoked by users belonging to the workspace your app is installed.

Interactive messages

  • Handle action invocation by users from other teams, and let them know if an action is not permissible due to their external nature.


  • When a user on the installing workspace posts a link in the shared channel, the link should be unfurled for the entire channel unless there is a privacy concern.


  • Support users from other workspace in shared channels where appropriate.
  • *Message deliveries are duplicated in shared channels when installed on multiple joined workspaces due to the multiple socket connections.

Bot users 🤖

  • Bot users can DM all local users in the workspace they are installed in and external users with a common shared channel.

Conversations API

Developing with channels between organizations and workspaces requires using the new Web API methods from the Conversations API.

Requesting a sandbox

Building properly for channels between workspaces and organizations requires experiencing the unique constraints and opportunities yourself. If you don't already have access to workspaces with the proper plan level to grant access to channels between organizations, please complete the form below to request a sandbox.

Troubleshooting and known issues

We're still working on Slack Connect. It's likely you'll run into a bug or two. The following are some that we know about.

🚧 MPIM events tell little lies about channel types

In a multiparty direct message channel ("MPIM") with a foreign user, events like member_joined_channel and member_left_channel may dispatch an incorrect value for channel_type.

🚧 IM Object format is not yet consistent

IM formats may differ from other channel objects for a while. We're working towards making all objects the same format.

🚧 Select menus may be inconsistent

Default select menus (users_select, conversations_select, and channels_select) may display unexpected options in shared channels.