Addressing email addresses
The [
](/reference/scopes/ OAuth scope is now required to access the email
field in user objects returned by the users.list
web API methods. users:read
is no longer a sufficient scope for this data field. Learn more.
Grandfathering is no longer in effect. Please see this post from April 2017 for more information.
We've added a new OAuth permission scope called
and it provides a new explicit, additive way to request access to team email addresses. If you don't need email addresses but do need other user info, users:read
is still all you need.
Apps created before January 4th, 2017 are grandfathered and will continue behaving in a backwards-compatible way. Apps created after that date must request the new
scope. Regardless of creation date, we encourage all apps to migrate to this new scope.
What's changing?
Slack apps created after the cut off date must request the new
OAuth scope to access the email
field in user objects returned by the users.list
web API methods. users:read
will no longer be a sufficient scope for this data field.
Have code you're planning to re-use in a new app?
If you have code you plan to re-use in a new application record and that code only asks for users:read
, you won't find email addresses in these methods.
You'll need to request both users:read
while installing the app.
What isn't changing?
is still required to use
and users.list
We're grandfathering existing Slack apps so these methods will continue including email
when you've only requested or are requesting users:read
Your vintage scope retains its data-inclusive approach. You've already requested and earned that permission.
That said, we encourage you to use the new scopes anyway!
Additionally, the OAuth scope users.profile:read
can also be used to obtain access to email addresses, as they are considered part of the user's profile obtained via users.profile.get
Furthermore, Sign in with Slack continues to operate the same way it does today — email address is yielded for the current user signing in to your application via the
How do I prepare?
If you're building an application consuming the email
field in 2017 and beyond, you'll need to add the
scope when using the OAuth flow or Add to Slack.
Building an open source library or toolkit that uses email
? Configure it to ask for
by default.
must be requested together as a delightful pair within the same authorization attempt.
Apps created before the cut off date needn't do anything at all.
Regardless of when your app was created, if email addresses are important for your app, we strongly recommend you also request
as team members install your app.
For non-grandfathered apps, you must request
to enable the email
field to appear in user objects presented in methods like
and users.list
When is this happening?
Our new OAuth scope,
, is available now.
Apps created after January 4th, 2017 will need to request this scope to receive the email addresses in these Web API methods. Apps from yesteryear will do as they've always done.