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OAuth flow changes for workspace token preview apps

Workspace apps are deprecated

We're simplifying the installation process for workspace apps.

Now workspace apps can and should use the oauth.access method instead of oauth.token during the verification code exchange phase of app installation via OAuth 2.0.

When used with workspace apps, the response for oauth.access morphs into a response similar to that of oauth.token, but with a few improvements detailed below.

Now oauth.access may be used by workspace apps instead of oauth.token, simplifying a common hurdle when getting started with workspace apps.

Finally, we're replacing with apps.permissions.scopes.list and apps.permissions.resources.list.

What's changing?

All of these changes are for workspace apps that are part of our developer preview.

Exchange tokens using oauth.access instead

Now you can exchange code values for tokens using oauth.access, just like traditional Slack apps. The output received from oauth.access is the same as found in oauth.token.

Here's the new response structure:

"ok": true,
"access_token": "xoxa-access-token-string",
"token_type": "app",
"app_id": "A012345678",
"app_user_id": "U0NKHRW57",
"team_name": "Subarachnoid Workspace",
"team_id": "T061EG9R6",
"authorizing_user": {
"user_id": "U061F7AUR",
"app_home": "D0PNCRP9N"
"installer_user": {
"user_id": "U061F7AUR",
"app_home": "D0PNCRP9N"
"scopes": {
"app_home": [
"team": [],
"channel": [
"group": [
"mpim": [
"im": [
"user": []

This structure communicates a short story:

  1. An access token has been awarded or refreshed on the workspace identified by T061EG9Z9 ("Subarachnoid Workspace") for your Slack app identified by the ID A012345678.
  2. The user who originally installed the app is the same user currently performing the authorization flow, user U061F7AUR. You can send them messages on the app_home conversation channel, D0PNCRP9N.
  3. The user approved the app for the chat:write scope, but access was only granted to a single public channel resource, C061EG9T2.
  4. The app is automatically awarded the ability to read, write, and peruse the history of its conversation with the installing user in its app_home.

If your app is subscribed to permissions-related events on the Events API, you'll receive more detail about the resources your scopes apply to.

Looking for the permissions field from oauth.token?

The permissions attribute isn't returned in oauth.access.

This response is now consolidated by removing its exhaustive list of existing permissions.

To retrieve a list of all permissions awarded by a workspace to your app, use apps.permissions.resources.list with apps.permissions.scopes.list and/or monitor permission events with the Events API.

We added a scopes attribute to oauth.access

The now-removed permissions attribute housed a listing of all scopes assigned by a workspace to your app.

You'll now find a scopes attribute top-level. Instead of describing all the awarded scopes, it lists only the scopes assigned in this particular installation sequence.

Scopes are grouped by resource type:

  • app_home - your app's direct message conversation with the installer of this app
  • team - team-level permissions assigned to your app
  • channel - public channels
  • group - private channels
  • mpim - multi-member direct messages
  • im - direct messages
  • user - users

oauth.access won't tell you the wildcard status of any resources. The new apps.permissions.scopes.list and apps.permissions.resources.list methods won't either. Continue using to retrieve wildcard awards.

Deprecation of oauth.token

oauth.token, we hardly knew you! We originally developed this message in isolation of oauth.access to separate concerns during the preview but as we get ready for general availability, we've upgraded oauth.access to take on this role and keep the OAuth process consistent.

New methods replace will retire in July 2018. We broke the method up into two distinct chunks, future proofing your app for the possibility of zillions of awarded, valuable resources.

  • apps.permissions.scopes.list catalogs the scopes awarded to your app. It does not indicate which resources those scopes are tied to. All scopes apply to all resources.
  • apps.permissions.resources.list catalogs the resources granted to your app. The scopes found in the method above apply to each resource.

Single-channel authorization flow added

To request access to only a single channel, add single_channel=true to the querystring you generate for the oauth/authorize step. Users will be asked to approve your app's requested scopes just for a single channel they choose. When the approval process is complete, the response to oauth.token or oauth.access will contain a single_channel_id field noting the channel resource.

Repeating this process multiple times on the same workspace adds additional channel grants to your app, one by one.

This approach is especially useful when using chat.postMessage as a replacement to incoming webhooks.

What isn't changing?

  • Traditional Slack app usage of oauth.access remains unchanged. Keep on exchanging those tokens like you're used to.

What happens if I do nothing?

If your app is not part of the workspace app developer preview, you'll experience nothing.

If your app is part of the preview:

  • If you still use oauth.token when its retired on July 17, your workspace app will not be able to complete installations until you switch to oauth.access instead.
  • Eventually will stop working. Use apps.permissions.resources.list and apps.permissions.scopes.list instead.

When did this happen?

We made these changes today, April 17, 2018.

On July 17, 2018, oauth.token will retire and cease serving requests. oauth.access will be the canonical way to exchange verification codes for tokens for all Slack apps once more. will stop working.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns at