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Developer policy updates

On August 31, 2018 we'll update the Slack Application Developer Policy and API Terms of Service to clarify existing guidelines that keep Slack a safe and secure platform for work.

Over the past 3 years we've approved thousands of apps for our directory and have honed the criteria submitted apps must meet for inclusion. Developers have often asked us to detail out better the feedback we provide them individually as they go through the review process. Our updated policies reflect not only what we've learned along the way, but the best practices, ingenuity, utility, and care brought to Slack app development by everyone in our community.

You will notice that the policy has been reorganized into new sections. In this new document, we highlight and clarify our expectations around your app's security, user experience and design, and use of data. We note our expectations on responsibly handling user and workspace data, how your apps must comply with laws while keeping your app, users, businesses, and Slack safe in all senses of the word.

Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about our developer policies.