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Have SCIM, will paginate

We're modernizing the GET /Users and GET /Groups methods of our SCIM user management API by putting a more reasonable upper bound on results served per page.

The SCIM spec allows for pagination and these methods have long supported it, but we've accepted higher count values in the past.

The changes described below are effective July 8th, 2019 August 30th, 2019.

What's changing?

The count parameter in GET /Users and GET /Groups will no longer accept values greater than 1000.

HTTP requests with count parameter values of 1001 and above will automatically be evaluated as if 1000 were provided and only the first 1,000 results will be returned. The remainder can be fetched by adjusting the startIndex parameter.

What isn't changing?

The default page size remains 10 results when no count parameter is presented.

No other methods have changed.

How do I prepare?

If you don't use the SCIM API or don't use these two data retrieval methods, there's no action needed, regardless of workspace size.

If you use the SCIM API and provide count values greater than 1000 to these two SCIM methods, you'll need to paginate through the lists provided by GET /Users and GET /Groups using both the count and startIndex parameters.

Example adapation

You currently use a count value of 100000 (one hundred thousand) to retrieve all possible provisioned Users by making a HTTP call like the following.

GET /scim/v1/Users?count=100000

Instead of receiving all possible results in a single API call, you must now break your calls up into groups of count values set to 1000 or less. In your very first request you can find out how large the result set is.

GET /scim/v1/Users?count=1000

In response you receive the first 1,000 results, including a top-level totalResults field. If this number is less than 1000, you don't need to perform any other requests. If it's greater than 1000, then you'll need to set startIndex to the nth result, or the numbered result you're looking for just after the last one you collected.

When working with a pagesize of 1000, your second request will always begin with a startIndex of 1001. If there were 1000 more after that, you'd next ask for 2001.

Assuming there were 2,225 results to retrieve, your sequence of requests may look like:

GET /scim/v1/Users?count=1000
GET /scim/v1/Users?count=1000&startIndex=1001
GET /scim/v1/Users?count=1000&startindex=2001

Stop issuing paginated requests when you've collected an equal number of results to the totalResults field found in each response. In this example, the third request would have included the final 223 results.

If you require an exact set of current users, avoid using this paginated API call while the current roster of users in your organization is changing.

When is this happening?

This change to count parameters in the SCIM API takes effect on July 8th, 2019 August 30, 2019.

We don't anticipate this change to negatively effect a large number of workspaces or applications. Talk to us if you have concerns or questions.