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Changes to admin app requests

admin.apps.requests.list API response is enhanced to include the is_user_app_collaborator of the app.

What's changing

is_user_app_collaborator will be part of the response of the API admin.apps.requests.list is_user_app_collaborator - true if the requesting user is one of the collaborator of the app.

API response including is_user_app_collaborator:

"ok": true,
"app_requests": [
"id": "AXXXXXX",
"app": {
"id": "AXXXXXXXX",
"is_internal": false,
"socket_mode_enabled": false,
"additional_info": ""
"previous_resolution": null,
"user": {
"id": "UXXXXXXX"
"team": {
"id": "TXXXXXXX"
"scopes": [
"name": "bot",
"description": "Add the ability for people to direct message",
"is_sensitive": true,
"token_type": "bot"
"message": "Please approve the app",
"is_user_app_collaborator": false
"response_metadata": {
"next_cursor": ""

How to respond or prepare

If you don't plan to consume the is_user_app_collaborator, you don't need to do anything.

When is this happening

This change happens on August 31, 2021.

As always, feedback is welcome at