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2021 shortform changelog entries


  • If you still use rtm.connect or rtm.start to connect to Slack, you'll notice that all WebSocket URLs now begin with wss://
  • As previously announced, apps & integrations created after today, November 30, 2021, must use rtm.connect instead of the deprecated rtm.start when connecting to the RTM API.
  • Block elements can now utilize the focus_on_load field within Block kit messages, which allows you to pick one specific Block element to auto focus on.
  • The default Slack Connect invitation type when using conversations.inviteShared has changed. Invites are now sent to limit the recipient's actions to only sending messages. The new external_limited argument can be used to control which invitation type is sent.


  • We're starting to roll out a new, opt-in beta UI that lets you configure and reconfigure apps using manifests. We're also launching new App Manifest APIs to let you create and manage all your apps programmatically.
  • One of our earliest API methods is taking a well-deserved retirement on September 27, 2022. For existing apps, rtm.start will instead return an equivalent response to rtm.connect. Beginning November 30, 2021, newly created apps and integrations will only be able to use rtm.connect.
  • Introducing two API methods that return information about workspaces previously only available in rtm.start: and team.preferences.list.


  • Slack Developer Tools now offers the Platform Guide, an interactive and introductory education experience for developers interested in learning the basics of building a Slack app within a Slack app.
  • Pick a time, any time. The timepicker block element is released out of beta and available to use in your spiffy apps.
  • The link_shared event is changing, bringing unfurls—allowing users to see what's in a link—into the message composer.
  • In the app approval APIs, you may now distinguish the apps built within your organization from those developed externally—or by Slack—with the developer_type field.


  • Legacy workspace apps are now completely retired. They won't function anymore and eventually will be completely removed from our databases. If you run into trouble, please reach out.
  • The link_shared event is changing to bring a little more magic to app unfurls. Read up on the changes, which roll out to free teams on September 1, 2021.


  • Modern Sign in with Slack uses the OpenID Connect protocol to make signing in with Slack faster and more flexible. Try it today.
  • Refresh your access tokens regularly with token rotation, available for opt-in now.
  • You can now manage Slack Connect directly for your organization using an app. Read up on the Slack Connect APIs.


  • We gave this dusty place a new coat of paint. Enjoy our updates to to help you navigate, discover, and absorb content more easily. Almost everything should be where you’d expect it.


  • Use manifests to create and manage apps from saveable, shareable, and relatable YAML and JSON. Try out some sample manifests in our new guided tutorials.


  • Apps using classic message attachments have an updated look. Attachment images now have a hover menu and will mostly appear to the right of text. Consider using Block Kit to have more control over how images render.
  • We're teaching old blocks new tricks. Starting April 20, 2021 input blocks are now able to exist within messages, allowing you to gather information more swiftly within conversation.


  • Apps may now broadcast messages to users via direct message without handling unnecessary or unsupported conversation and slash commands. Starting March 29, 2021, this feature will be default for all newly-created Slack apps. Get started by visiting the App Home tab of your existing Slack apps.
  • Newly created private channel IDs now always begin with the letter C, just like public channel IDs already do. The Conversations API will tell you whether a conversation is private or not with the is_private boolean field.
  • Legacy workspace apps, deprecated since October 2018, will officially retire on August 24, 2021.


  • The method now returns daily data about conversations in public channels. Members analytics remain available. Explore what's happening on your Enterprise Grid workspaces.
  • Three deprecations take effect today, February 24,2021. First, new apps may no longer pass tokens as query parameters. Second, Conversations API methods are now required over their typed counterparts: channel.*, group.*, im.*, and mpim.*. Third, event payloads no longer contain full lists of authed_users or authed_teams—instead, use a new method to learn the full list of authorizations an event is visible to. We know keeping up with best practices for Slack apps is a lot to handle—thank you for allowing us to make the platform better. Keep reading.
  • If your app makes use of user emails, be on the lookout for relay email addresses. When users sign into Slack via Apple, their emails may appear as anonymized relay addresses. Relatedly, Sign in with Slack won't work with these users.
  • Now you can decorate your ephemeral messages requesting authorization with Block Kit using chat.unfurl.
  • When a user initiates a private channel share via Slack Connect, the channel's ID changes. Subscribe to channel_id_changed to learn the new IDs for the private channels visible to your app.


  • Updated: Beginning mid-March, links appearing in Block Kit messages shared by apps will unfurl just like other links found in that message.
  • Your app can now count its workflow steps with the help of four new events: workflow_published, workflow_unpublished, workflow_deleted, and workflow_step_deleted. Use these events to stay informed on workflows—from unpublished to published and back again—that make use of steps powered by your app.
  • Socket Mode supplies your app with events and interactive feature payloads over a dynamic WebSocket URL.