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Release: Slack CLI v2.6.0

Version 2.6.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has arrived!

  • The .github directory will no longer be included in new projects created from one of our sample apps.
  • We've updated our support email to—email us for assistance if your app returns an internal error code.
  • The slack app list command now returns Status: Installed instead of Status: Unknown for an installed app.
  • When using the CLI in a non-interactive environment, such as in a CI pipeline, selection prompts will error and suggest a flag alternative to use instead of hanging indefinitely.
  • Trigger generation prompts will be automatically skipped when using slack run or slack deploy in a non-interactive environment, regardless of how many triggers might exist.
  • We've clarified admin approval requirements when installing to a workspace that has Admin-Approved Apps enabled.
  • Socket connections are now gracefully closed when ending a slack run session.
  • Improved typeahead suggestions for the type field of functions and datastores were made in the Deno SDK.