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19 posts tagged with "Deprecation"

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Legacy bots and classic apps deprecation timeline adjustment

We want to update you about our previous announcement regarding support for legacy custom bots and classic apps. After much consideration and feedback, we have decided to push back the deprecation date for classic apps by 6 months: we will now discontinue support for them on March 31, 2026. Nothing will change for legacy custom bots, of which the original deprecation date was March 31, 2025.

Discontinuing support for legacy custom bots and classic apps

We want to let you know about some upcoming changes to support for legacy custom bots and classic apps on the Slack platform.

  • Beginning March 31, 2025, we will discontinue support for legacy custom bots. For your integrations to continue working, you must create brand new Slack apps.
  • In September 2025 March 2026, we will discontinue support for classic apps. For your apps to continue working, you will need to migrate them to Slack apps.Any custom bots or classic apps you have built will no longer work after these dates.

It has been over 10 years since we originally launched the Slack Platform. As we mentioned back in April 2024, there are just too many ways to create an app, so we're doing our best to streamline this process. Beginning March 31, 2025, we will discontinue support for legacy custom bots. In March 2026, we will discontinue support for classic apps. Read on for more details about how this will affect your integrations and apps.

The files.upload method retires in March 2025, replaced by sequenced Web API methods

The original web API method for uploading files to Slack, files.upload, is being sunset on March 11, 2025.

As of May 16, 2024, newly-created apps are no longer able to use this API method.

Existing apps & integrations should migrate away from files.upload and instead leverage a combination of two APIs: files.getUploadURLExternal and files.completeUploadExternal. The use of these two methods is more reliable, especially when uploading large files.

A detailed breakdown of how to use these two API methods is described in our Uploading files documentation.

Slack CLI v2.8.0 and below is now deprecated

Starting September 19, 2023 the Slack API's minimum required CLI version is changing from v1.18.0 to v2.9.0 for Enterprise Grid (for non-Enterprise Grid, the minimum required version is v1.18.0). If you attempt to log in with an older version, you'll receive a cli_update_required error from the Slack API. Run slack upgrade to get the latest version. Refer to the quickstart guide for more details.

It's later already for stars and reminders

Starting in March 2023, Slack began rolling out a new collection of features collectively called Save it for Later. It gives you a new Later section on Slack where things you save for later (with or without a reminder attached to it) are kept.

This new collection of features replaces our previous Saved Items (also known as starred items, or just stars) and Reminders features.

As part of this new feature roll out, the existing APIs to interface with saved items and reminders have become degraded or useless. There are no direct APIs for Save it for Later to integrate with. With the current suite of built-in functions, web API methods, events, and triggers offered by Slack it is possible to recreate some (but certainly not all) use cases the impacted APIs supported.

We aim to give ample notice for every platform feature developers would consider a “breaking change.” We apologize we were unable to provide this information to developers ahead of the Save it for Later release.

rtm.start to stop

The original way to connect to one of our oldest APIs is finally retiring. For existing apps, rtm.start will start behaving exactly like rtm.connect on September 27, 2022. Beginning November 30, 2021, newly created apps and integrations will only be able to use rtm.connect.

The RTM API remains available to developers using rtm.connect.

Goodbye, workspace apps

On August 24, 2021, legacy workspace apps were retired. Workspace apps were part of a brief developer preview we elected to not fully release. Since October 2018, existing workspace apps have remained functional but on August 24, 2021 workspace apps will be retired and no longer function.

Please read on if you were the developer, maintainer, administrator, or user of a vintage workspace app.

Don't know if you have a workspace app? Make sure you're signed in to all your workspaces and visit our deprecation center. Each workspace app you own or collaborate on will be listed.

Events API truncate authed users

Your app's events—received from the Events API—are changing.

Event payloads will no longer contain a full list of authed_users or authed_teams. These two fields will be deprecated. There'll be a new, compact field called authorizations to replace them—but authorizations will only contain at most one person or workspace that the event is visible to.

If you need a full list of all the parties an event is visible to, you'll call the apps.event.authorizations.list method.

The new, streamlined shape of events allows Slack to deliver them faster.

These changes to the Events API will take place on February 24, 2021. You'll be able to opt in to them earlier, on September 29, 2020, by going to your app settings and selecting the checkbox under Event Subscription.

In order to get ready for the changes to authorizations, you can use the apps.event.authorizations.list method even without opting in to the new shape of events, starting September 29, 2020.

Read on for more details on what's changing and how to prepare.

Legacy test token creation to retire

Legacy tester tokens may no longer be created.

We're deprecating legacy test tokens and will disallow the creation of new test tokens beginning May 5th, 2020.

We launched Slack apps over four years ago as a replacement to the number of ways one could obtain overly-permissive tokens to integrate with Slack.

If you or a software product you author relies on test token creation, you will need to migrate to using Slack apps with specifically named scopes instead.

Existing tester tokens will continue functioning but tokens left unused are subject to periodic revocation.

Deprecating antecedents to the conversations API

We released the Conversations API in September 2017 as a one-size-fits-all replacement for a variety of APIs used to read and write information about channels, private channels, direct messages, and multi-party direct messages.

Today we are announcing the deprecation of the methods that preceded the Conversations API (channels.*, groups.*, im.*, & mpim.*). On November 25th, 2020 February 24th, 2021 these methods will retire and cease functioning.

If users expect your app to work in channels of any kind, you'll want to verify you're using the Conversations API for all channel types.

The final date for existing apps and custom integrations is now February 24th, 2021

We'll stop allowing newly created Slack apps to use these deprecated APIs beginning June 10th, 2020.

All channels.*, groups.*, im.*, & mpim.* methods will return deprecation warnings beginning June 10th, 2020.

We resolutely recommend migrating to the Conversations API immediately.

Deprecate early TLS versions

When your app, custom integration, or bot communicates with Slack via HTTP, it uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) to ensure data privacy and integrity.

There are multiple major versions of TLS, including v1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. Versions 1.0 and 1.1 are deprecated and should no longer be used.

On March 4, 2020, we'll require all communications with Slack to use TLS version 1.2 or greater.

All TLS connections must use the SNI extension. Lastly, TLS connections must support at least one of the following supported cipher suites:

  • AES128-GCM-SHA256
  • AES256-GCM-SHA384

Using TLS version 1.2 or greater makes Slack safer for everyone.

Cemented fate for file comments

File threads superseded file comments in July 2018. On May 22nd, 2019, we will permanently retire the files.comments.add and files.comments.edit API methods.

Vintage file comments remain accessible and deletable with files.comments.get and file.comments.delete.

File threads soon tread

We're fixing file comments and in the process we're phasing out some related API methods and events.

File comments look like messages in a channel but they aren't. They travel with files, wherever shared, disrupting conversation at inopportune moments.

We started to gradually roll out file threads on July 23, 2018. Sharing a file with a channel will now create an actual message instead of something that looked convincingly like a message. People and bots may reply to that message as they would any other message. You can even upload files into threads.