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48 posts tagged with "Slack CLI"

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Release: Slack CLI v3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is here, with lots of goodies for you!

  • We renamed the slack.json file to .slack/hooks.json, and continue to support slack.json for existing projects. There is now a warning shown in --verbose output to encourage projects to migrate their slack.json to .slack/hooks.json.
  • We've removed the invalid_app_directory error from any commands run in nested project directories, and now search for the required slack.json file in the project's configuration. We also now also check for this file at .slack/hooks.json.
  • We now cache the last known manifest export; the cache is used to avoid overwriting changes on app settings. If the manifest is changed on app settings since the last update, a confirmation prompt will appear before making another update via the Slack CLI.
  • We've moved the top-level commands you know and love, slack create and slack samples, to be sub-commands of the slack project command (they remain aliased as top-level commands though, so there is no change to the user experience).
  • We've updated the slack doctor command to display the manifest.source value, which will be either local or remote.
  • We now officially support Bolt for JavaScript and Bolt for Python in the Slack CLI! 🎉
  • As such, we've updated the slack create command with a new create journey that allows you to choose between different types of apps for Bolt for JavaScript, Bolt for Python, and Deno.
  • We've also added the slack init command, which will initialize an existing Bolt for JavaScript, Bolt for Python, or Deno project with Slack CLI support.
  • We fixed a bug to avoid confusion with regular outputs, and now prefix all separate debug logs with a timestamp.
  • We fixed a bug to avoid spinning the spinner when outputting with debug logs, or if styles are removed with the --no-color flag.
  • We fixed a bug to now display uninstalled apps in selections when using the slack collaborators and slack manifest commands.
  • We fixed a bug with confirming trusted templates that are from a Slack GitHub organization.
  • We fixed a bug regarding writing console outputs to activity logs during local runs.
  • We fixed a bug where the Slack CLI would get stuck if one of the goroutines of the slack run command encountered an error; we now exit the slack run command if this happens.

Removing the Slack CLI deno command

We previously mentioned that we had deprecated the deno command and removed its listing from the help command. We have now removed the deno command completely. Developers who were depending on this command should now use the deno executable directly.

We've also removed support for the deprecated, pre-release Deno Slack SDK versions that used slack.yaml and project.ts files. The Run-on-Slack platform no longer supports the slack.yaml file format, and no production projects should be affected. The project.ts file was deprecated by the Deno Slack SDK in favor of manifest.ts and manifest.json files.

Release: Slack CLI v2.33

Version 2.33.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform will be your valentine!

  • We now support running CLI commands in project sub-directories.
  • We've enhanced the script and outputs of hooks to improve debugging.
  • We've fixed a bug to properly output error messages that may occur when the slack manifest command is run.
  • We've fixed a bug to distinguish between Slack CLI names if your Slack CLI is named something other than slack.

Release: Slack CLI v2.32.1

Version 2.32.1 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has arrived!

  • In the Deno Slack Hooks 1.3.2 release, we've improved the bundling used for the slack deploy command to address some issued encountered with npm imports.

  • We fixed a bug to skip the hosted app pre-run check when the --force flag is used.

Release: Slack CLI v2.32.0

Version 2.32.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is here!

  • We improved detection of Deno projects and added test coverage to the Deno runtime for a smoother experience.
  • We improved the formatting of output when running slack env commands. We also added error messaging to these commands when the app being referenced is not a workflow app.
  • The slack env remove command now exits without erroring when there are no environment variables to remove.
  • We enhanced text styling for easier reading.
  • We improved some internal processes that allow us to keep our documentation fresh and up-to-date.
  • We improved the error messaging of our slack datastore commands.
  • We updated our documentation and errors displayed when using slack external-auth subcommands with non-workflow apps.
  • We now raise errors that may impact the validation of selected authentications.
  • We now hide blank source errors that may have caused confusion; they have been replaced with more helpful messaging.

Release: Slack CLI v2.31.0

Version 2.31.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has landed!

We fixed a bug that would display errors when the slack run command was interrupted during app selection. The fix also includes an org_grant_exists error, which is raised if an attempt is made to grant installation permission to another workspace when your app has already been granted one.

Release: Slack CLI v2.30.1

Boo! Version 2.30.1 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has sneaked up behind you.

We fixed a bug such that expired tokens will now be removed from your local credentials, and the token_expired error will be logged when debugging if returned when using the slack logout command. No tricks, only treats!

Release: Slack CLI v2.30.0

Version 2.30.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has spookily appeared!

  • We added some behind the scenes CLI support for AI apps & assistants.
  • We fixed a bug such that app manifest validation when running slack deploy now respects use of the --force flag. We also fixed a few other bugs related to app manifest validation to make things run more smoothly.
  • We fixed a bug such that running the slack create command will use either the absolute or relative path provided when creating your app.

Release: Slack CLI v2.29.2

Version 2.29.2 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is hot off the press!

  • When logging into a project directory using the slack login command, the Slack CLI will now suggest also running the slack app list command. When logging in outside of a project directory, the Slack CLI will continue to suggest running the slack create command to create a new project.
  • We've fixed some bugs behind the curtain and added some CI/CD improvements.

Release: Slack CLI v2.29.1

Version 2.29.1 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has arrived!

  • We updated the shell called in Windows commands from pwsh to powershell for better backwards compatibility.
  • We added the ability to retrieve manifest information using the --source flag with the manifest info command. The flag can be set to either project or remote.
  • We fixed an issue to raise any errors in the Slack CLI that may occur when running the npm install command.
  • We fixed a bug to replace the --workspace flag recommendation with a --team flag recommendation.

Release: Slack CLI v2.28.0

Version 2.28.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has landed!

We made a few updates behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly.

Release: Slack CLI v2.27.1

Version 2.27.1 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has made a splash!

  • We've fixed a bug to allow development hosts to start up faster.
  • We now print a warning if either the SLACK_APP_TOKEN or the SLACK_BOT_TOKEN does not match its installed value.

Release: Slack CLI v2.26.0

Version 2.26.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is here!

  • We now format warnings into text sections, and group similar warnings by source—this should help to reduce the number of warnings related to external teams that could appear when running your app.
  • We've fixed an issue with the datastore count Slack CLI command by adding a default for an empty query expression if one isn't provided.

Release: version 2.25.0 of the Slack CLI

Version 2.25.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is kicking off the summer fun!

  • You can now update your local project's apps.json file with app IDs for your existing apps using the slack app link command. Refer to app commands for more details.
  • We've updated the formatting for section text and trace prints for the slack collaborator add, slack collaborator list, and slack collaborator remove commands.
  • We've updated the debug log output when installing dependencies using the slack create command. We also now suggest installing project dependencies if an error occurs when running this command.
  • We fixed a bug to avoid formatting printed strings if the string to be printed has no arguments.
  • We now set authentication configurations such as custom API hosts for selected tokens with the slack manifest validate command.
  • Starting June 11, 2024, we are enforcing admin restrictions on built-in steps and webhook triggers in coded workflows. This update aims to align the security settings of coded workflows with those of connector steps and triggers. Read on to learn more.

Release: Slack CLI v2.24.0

Version 2.24.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has landed!

  • We've renamed the function distribute command to function access (however, the distribute subcommand has been added as an alias so you can still use function distribute). Refer to custom function access for more details.

  • We've fixed several bugs that address some messaging, formatting, and emoji in the CLI for easier reading.

Release: Slack CLI v2.23.0

Version 2.23.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is here!

  • We now prompt you to log in again if your auth is expired or invalid. This applies to all commands where you need to select an app.
  • We now automatically set the SLACK_API_URL environment variable to the preferred API host used in the auth process.
  • We fixed some bugs to reduce the chances of returning errors when checking the operating system, project configs, project tooling, and project dependencies when running the slack doctor command.
  • We now display a more informative message when you attempt to delete or uninstall an app from a project that has no apps.

Release: Slack CLI v2.22.0

Version 2.22.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is here!

  • We fixed a bug to prevent project paths including spaces from being separated into multiple arguments when deploying an app.
  • We now cease defaulting to the deno runtime, and log unsupported runtimes.
  • We fixed a bug that was causing a team_access_not_granted error when redeploying an app.
  • We fixed a bug to handle an empty outgoing_domains attribute within an app's manifest.
  • We fixed a bug to remove extra spaces from error messages when creating a new project using slack create.

Release: Slack CLI v2.21.0

Version 2.21.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has sprung!

  • You can now display runtime versions for your application's execution environment using the doctor hook. To enjoy the improved slack doctor command experience, existing Deno Slack SDK-based apps must have their deno-slack-hooks dependency upgraded to the latest version (v1.3.0).
  • By relying only on the get-manifest hook when attempting to get a manifest rather than checking for a slack.yaml file, we now surface any errors that are returned when getting the manifest.
  • We removed the possibility of an error when generating the message boundary hook protocol, and now preserve spacing in logged outputs.
  • We corrected a few typos behind the scenes.

Release: Slack CLI v2.20.1 & v2.20.1

Versions 2.20.0 and 2.20.1 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform have landed!

  • We've added a new feature for counting datastore items. Refer to Counting items in a datastore for more details.
  • We added a new feature to query named datastores from a flag instead of an expression. For example, instead of:

$ slack datastore get '{"datastore": "todos", "id": "42"}'


$ slack datastore get --datastore tasks '{"id": "42"}'

  • We now include a remediation message for the not_authed error that explains how to log in and authorize the Slack CLI.
  • Users can now request app approval at the workspace level on Enterprise Grid.
  • We now include the error code in event payloads to logstash.
  • We fixed a bug to output a link if opening the URL in a browser fails.
  • We fixed a bug to catch missing hooks from a command; the initialization error is now included in the debug outputs. This allows any command to be run from a project directory without immediately posting an error.
  • We fixed a bug to remove ANSI escape sequences from the debug log outputs for an improved grepping experience.
  • We fixed a bug to verify that deprecated flags are properly substituted.
  • We fixed an issue to make our releases run more smoothly. Nothing to see here!

Release: Slack CLI v2.18.0

Version 2.18.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has joined the party!

  • The minimum supported PowerShell version as of this release is v6.0. If you attempt to use an older version of PowerShell, you may encounter errors reading the Slack Configuration file (slack.json) or running the get hooks hook.
  • We've added the ability to put, get, and delete items in bulk in a datastore. Refer to Create or replace items with put and bulkPut, Retrieve items with get and bulkGet, and Delete items with delete and bulkDelete, respectively.
  • We've added the ability to import to and export from datastores. Refer to Datastore commands for more details.
  • We've added a warning when creating an app from a sample app when the sample app may not have come from a trusted source.
  • You can disable this warning temporarily by running the slack create command with the --force flag.
  • You can disable this warning permanently by either selecting don't ask again when prompted, or by setting the trust_unknown_sources property in your config.json file.
  • We've fixed an issue so can now use CTRL-C to unhide your cursor when a spinner displays after running slack deploy.
  • We've enhanced some error messages and we've improved highlighting matching for help commands.

Release: Slack CLI v2.17.1

Version 2.17.1 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is hot off the press!

  • We added an enhancement to provide the SLACK_APP_TOKEN and SLACK_BOT_TOKEN environment variables when you run your app.
  • We now install development dependencies for apps on the Node.js runtime when creating a new app to ensure @slack/cli-hooks is installed.
  • We've fixed an issue by formatting paths with OS-specific dividers in the slack create command.

Release: Slack CLI v2.16.0

New year, new version (2.16.0) of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform!

We now display the workflow name for errors returned in the CLI, and return an error if credentials aren't found for a selected app when using the slack app command.

Release: Slack CLI v2.15.0

Version 2.15.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is home for the holidays!

  • We've updated the choose a workspace to grant access prompt to sort by team name rather than team ID.
  • We've deprecated the deno command and removed its listing from the help command. The deno command is slated to be removed completely in an upcoming release.
  • Endpoints at are no longer blocked by a permission error for local apps.
  • We now have better error handling when appending a (local) tag to the display name of local apps.
  • We've removed some extra blank lines and debug information from command outputs for a cleaner look and faster feel.
  • We've provided prompts for possible trigger IDs for trigger commands that need them.

Release: Slack CLI v2.14.0

Version 2.14.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is here!

  • We've updated the CLI to prompt you to request admin approval for an Admin-Approved App using a connector function that is not currently approved for use in your workspace. For more information, refer to Platform permissions control for admins.
  • We've formatted the system and project configs with indents to make editing easier.
  • We've added a SLACK_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to the --config-dir global flag.
  • The uninstall command is now available from the list displayed when using the --help flag.

Release: Slack CLI v2.13.0

Version 2.13.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has landed!

  • We've added an --all-org-workspace-grants flag to the app list command so you can display all grants instead of only the first three.
  • We've combined workspace and org language into team; as such, we have added a --team flag and deprecated the --workspace flag. Note that this will not affect the usage of workspace or org when it is necessary to distinguish between them; for example, with the hermes auth list and trigger access commands.
  • We removed the redirect to the delete command when running the uninstall command, so you may now only uninstall an app rather than deleting the app entirely along with all of its data.
  • We've updated the CLI installer to align the Deno runtime version with the current version supported by the Slack platform.
  • We've updated all deno-reverse-string sample app references to use deno-started-template instead.
  • We fixed a bug to create a usr/local/bin directory if it is missing when installing the CLI.
  • We updated some confusing language related to breaking changes.
  • We fixed a bug that caused an error when any property setting flags were provided along with the --trigger-def flag.
  • We fixed a bug where descriptions and selected template URLs might be mismatched from the displayed list of samples.

Release: Slack CLI v2.12.0

Hot on the heels of last week's release, version 2.12.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is here!

  • We now support npm dependencies in a beta capacity, so you can use the npm: specifier when importing modules for both locally run and deployed apps. For more details about using npm: and node: specifiers, refer to Node.js APIs and npm packages.
  • We updated the slack app list command to display Enterprise grants for multiple workspaces.
  • We fixed a bug that displayed app manifest warnings when there were none.

Release: Slack CLI v2.11.0

Version 2.11.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has spookily appeared!

  • We've updated commands requiring validation (e.g. manifest, deploy, install, triggers create, and triggers run) to catch errors if a connector is not installed, attempt to install any certified apps related to connectors mentioned in the manifest, and then re-validate the manifest.
  • We added new error codes for connectors to aid you in troubleshooting.
  • We added a --file flag to the function distribute command (renamed to function access) so that you can manage access and distributions with a configuration file instead of multiple commands.

Release: Slack CLI v2.10.0

Version 2.10.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has entered the chat! We've updated the deploy command to prompt you to select an organization workspace, similar to the run command. We also added a little more polish to the Admin-Approved Apps flow, added support for the apps.certified.install method (coming soon to an API near you!), and implemented a few bug fixes behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly.

Release: Slack CLI v2.9.1

Version 2.9.1 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is here! We now order functions by callback ID for easier sorting when you call the function distribute command (renamed to function access). We've also formatted and streamlined the install script and some of our error descriptions for a smoother, more pleasant experience.

Slack CLI v2.8.0 and below is now deprecated

Starting September 19, 2023 the Slack API's minimum required CLI version is changing from v1.18.0 to v2.9.0 for Enterprise Grid (for non-Enterprise Grid, the minimum required version is v1.18.0). If you attempt to log in with an older version, you'll receive a cli_update_required error from the Slack API. Run slack upgrade to get the latest version. Refer to the quickstart guide for more details.

Release: Slack CLI v2.9.0

Version 2.9.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has landed!

  • We now support Slack's new look & feel.
  • You can now specify which workspace within an Enterprise Grid organization to grant your app access to when you deploy and install your app by using the --org-workspace-grant flag.
  • Sometimes additional admin approval is needed before your app can be installed. We now notify you that pending app approval/denial notifications will come from Slackbot.
  • We added more workflow events to the CLI for improved troubleshooting.
  • We updated the output of our --info flag for a more streamlined experience.
  • You can now skip the workspace selection dialog when you supply an app ID via --app and an active token via --token flags.

Release: Slack CLI v2.8.0

Version 2.8.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has arrived!

  • We've improved Deno dependency caching.
  • The app list command no longer requires authentication, and will instead display an unknown app status in cases where no authentication is found.
  • The run, deploy, and delete commands will now resolve organization-level authentication in cases where workspace-level authentication is missing.

Release: Slack CLI v2.7.0

Version 2.7.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has arrived!

  • We've added a slack trigger list --type=<string> flag to only list triggers of a specific type: For example, slack trigger list --type=shortcut. We've also supported flag values for --type=<string> are all, shortcut, event, webhook, scheduled, and external.
  • We've added flags to provide values for many interactive prompts. Learn more about the flags available by adding --help to any command. For example, slack external-auth add-secret --provider github --secret my-secret-value.
  • We've updated the slack app list command to improve displaying apps you are not authenticated to access. For example, local apps now display a (local) label and install status is now shown as Status: Unknown.
  • We removed an incorrect timestamp found in the Slack debug log file.
  • The Deno SDK v2.2.0 now displays an error in your editor when you accidentally register duplicate primary keys for workflow, function, datastore, customType, event or provider. This helps prevent unexpected behavior at runtime.

Release: Slack CLI v2.6.0

Version 2.6.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has arrived!

  • The .github directory will no longer be included in new projects created from one of our sample apps.
  • We've updated our support email to—email us for assistance if your app returns an internal error code.
  • The slack app list command now returns Status: Installed instead of Status: Unknown for an installed app.
  • When using the CLI in a non-interactive environment, such as in a CI pipeline, selection prompts will error and suggest a flag alternative to use instead of hanging indefinitely.
  • Trigger generation prompts will be automatically skipped when using slack run or slack deploy in a non-interactive environment, regardless of how many triggers might exist.
  • We've clarified admin approval requirements when installing to a workspace that has Admin-Approved Apps enabled.
  • Socket connections are now gracefully closed when ending a slack run session.
  • Improved typeahead suggestions for the type field of functions and datastores were made in the Deno SDK.

Release: Slack CLI v2.5.0

Version 2.5.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is hot off the press!

  • We've added a confirmation message if you decide not to delete an app when using the slack app delete command.
  • We added a --hide-triggers flag to the slack run and slack deploy commands to prevent retrieving and displaying application triggers.
  • We added a warning to listed trigger info that Slack Connect channels do not support event triggers.
  • We added app collaborators to listed trigger info.
  • We added support to limit paginated results with the trigger list --limit <n> command.
  • We added a prompt for whether you would like to include/exclude app collaborators into the named entities list if you set your trigger's ACL to named_entities. The include-app-collaborators flag will allow you to skip this prompt.
  • We updated the slack activity command to support datastore event and error logs. For more information, refer to logging.
  • When the --token flag is set, background checks for updates will now be automatically disabled.
  • We added support to fall back to a curl install of deno if deno upgrade should fail.
  • The slack logout command now accepts the --workspace flag.
  • We removed the --show-triggers flag from the slack run command, as the command now displays all of your app's triggers and their types.

Release: Slack CLI v2.4.0

Version 2.4.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform is now available!

  • We updated the Linux/macOS installation script to support a CLI version param, -v.
  • We added a -d flag to bypass Deno installation in the Linux/macOS installation script.
  • We updated the Windows installation script to include Alias, Version, SkipDeno, and SkipGit flags.
  • We now suggest Windows users open a new terminal after installation to add the Slack CLI to the user's environment PATH.
  • We bumped minimum required Deno version to 1.31.1.
  • We replaced the workspace command with a new app command.
  • We made the config-dir global flag visible.
  • We deprecated auth login's auth flag in favor of token.
  • We updated app list command to display installation status.

Release: Slack CLI v2.3.0

Version 2.3.0 of the developer tools for the Slack automations platform has arrived!

  • The external-auth remove command now allows you to select a token for deletion.
  • The new external-auth select-auth command allows you to select a unique auth for each of the workflows in an app. This command is mandatory when using new coded workflows that have a step containing credentialSource DEVELOPER; that is, every time a coded workflow is created, this command must be called after the external-auth add command.
  • The slack auth token and slack auth revoke commands allow you to manage service tokens.
  • The slack auth token command allows you to get the slackauthticket and copy and paste it into your workspace to exchange for the service token. The service token will not be saved to your credentials.json file; instead, it is presented in the prompt for you to copy and paste to your CI/CD pipelines. Once you obtained a service token, you can use the slack login --auth <your-service-token> command to authorize your Slack CLI. The service token will not conflict with your regular authentication token; you can continue using your regular authentication token within the Slack CLI while using the service token for your CI/CD pipelines.
  • The new global --token <token> flag allows you to pass the service token used by requests requiring authentication. For example, to install an app, use: slack install --token <your-service-token>. To create a trigger, use: slack trigger create --token <your-service-token> --app deployed --trigger-def triggers/trigger_def_file.ts. To deploy an app, use: slack deploy --token <your-service-token>
  • We added support for a global --experiment [name,name,...] flag.

Release: Slack CLI v2.2.0

Version 2.2.0 of the developer tools for our beta Slack platform has landed!

  • The trigger info command now also shows who has permissions to run the trigger.
  • We added the --no-color flag, which removes all ANSI sequences for color as well as emojis, giving you plain text output from the CLI that's perfect for piping to a text file.
  • The datastore query command now supports a cursor argument to help you paginate your results the way you want.
  • Trigger operations will now let you know when an invalid trigger file is being ignored.
  • We improved error reporting and some help text.

Introducing the Slack automations platform

Today we're announcing that the Slack automations platform—which provides a faster, more flexible way to build automations on top of Slack–is generally available to developers. The platform's overhauled architecture gives developers more ways to build, code, and ship custom apps and workflows more quickly and easily in an environment that's both secure and compliant. Read the announcement or follow the Quickstart to get started today.

Beta release: Slack CLI v2.1.0

We released version v2.1.0 of the developer tools for our Slack platform beta. Changes include better error messages, including the local Git version with the slack doctor command, paring down which commands are visible with slack help to only what is applicable for developers, and more.

Beta release: Slack CLI v1.21.0

We released version v1.21.0 of the developer tools for our Slack platform beta. Changes include improved ergonomics around trigger access management and added a new command to export form responses to CSV, both within the CLI, updates to the default manifest, and more.

Beta release: Slack CLI v1.20.0

We released v1.20.0 of the developer tools for our Slack platform beta. Changes include a number of user-requested improvements to the CLI and details about an upcoming maintenance window next month, and breaking changes landing the month after that, which may require you to update your apps.