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Legacy Steps from Apps workflow_step_edit payload

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An interaction payload of type workflow_step_edit. Sent to your interactive request URL in an HTTP POST once a user adds your step to a workflow in Workflow Builder.


typeStringWill always be workflow_step_edit
teamObjectTeam object containing the id and domain of the workspace from which this interaction occurred
userObjectUser object containing the id and name of the user who submitted the modal
callback_idStringThe callback_id of your step defined in your app configuration
trigger_idStringA trigger id which can be used to open up a modal
workflow_stepObjectA workflow_step object containing the workflow_id and step_id of this step.


"type": "workflow_step_edit",
"action_ts": "1583365953.106277",
"team": {
"id": "TXXXXXX",
"domain": "workspace-domain",
"enterprise_id": "EXXXXXX",
"enterprise_name": "Enterprise Grid name"
"user": {
"id": "WXXXXXX",
"name": "Bruce Wayne",
"team_id": "TXXXXXX"
"callback_id": "your_callback_id",
"trigger_id": "39718531891.19077474947.fd5f3dff6299006cbbfe124ff5902cff",
"workflow_step": {
"workflow_id": "302798802677412566",
"step_id": "4da7dbc9-7961-4eb9-857c-c96397e5398b",
"inputs": {
"strings": {
"value": [
"outputs": [
"name": "random_string",
"type": "text",
"label": "Random String"