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Anomalous events

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Anomaly events are a special part of the Audit Logs API that help surface unexpected app and user behaviors. Use logged anomalous events to guide decisions such as:

  • determining whether a behavior is expected
  • automating a response from a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool or a Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) tool
  • reaching out to the user for more information

There will be a reason code published for any anomalous event. Learn how to configure audit log anomaly event responses here.

Anomalous eventWhat it meansEntities
asnAn ASN was on a list of suspicious ASNs. This will always be accompanied by an ip_address, user
excessive_downloadsThe file download detection generates alerts when it detects anomalous behavior, such as when a user downloads an excessive number of, user
excessive_file_sharesThe file share detection generates alerts when it detects anomalous behavior, such as when a user shares an excessive number of, user
excessive_malware_uploadsThe malware uploads detection generates alerts when it detects anomalous behavior, such as when a user shares an excessive number of malware, user
ip_addressAn anomaly was detected in the IP address used for the user token. Based on the IP enhancements we used and the history of IP usage of the user token, we identified something anomalous in ip_address. You can check ip_address and previous_ip_address to look at the change, as well as the ip_address_details field within details for more information. This field may contain the following values:
  • new-asn: The IP address is from an ASN not recently seen with this token.
  • cloud-asn: The IP address is from a cloud ASN which may be unexpected for a user.
  • in-ioc-list: The IP address is on an IOC (indicators of compromise) watchlist. These lists flag potentially malicious indicators based on previously identified threats.
If no ip_address_details are provided, check if the reason also includes asn indicating that the anomaly triggered due to being from a suspicious ASN.
app, user
search_volumeThe search volume detection generates alerts when it detects anomalous behavior such as a user issuing searches under suspicious circumstances.user
session_fingerprintThe session cookie has an unexpected or stale timestamp associated with it, or a client fingerprint differs from an expected one.user
torA Tor exit node was, user
unexpected_admin_actionThe unexpected admin action detection generates alerts when anomalous behavior occurs from an administrator account.user
unexpected_api_call_volumeThe unexpected API call volume detection generates anomalies when a user generates a larger volume of API calls than would be expected from a browser or official Slack client accessing Slack. This could indicate that a user is using a non-standard client or performing scraping activities.user
unexpected_clientThe unexpected client detection generates alerts when an anomalous Slack client is detected. See the detected_client and detected_os fields within details for additional context. Note: the detected_os field is not always populated.user
unexpected_credential_testingThe unexpected credential testing detection generates anomalies when it detects a credential being tested for validity under suspicious
unexpected_message_deletionThe unexpected message deletion detection generates alerts when it detects anomalous behaviors, such as when a user deletes an excessive number of messages.user
unexpected_scrapingThe unexpected scraping detection generates anomalies when it detects a tool that can be used for scraping. Scraping tools can be used to rapidly retrieve and save data that a user has access to on a workspace.user
unexpected_user_agentThe user agent changed to a value that is not expected from a user. This will always be accompanied by a user_agent reason.user
user_agentAn anomaly was detected in the user agent used for the user token (ex: there was a downgrade in a version). The best way to investigate such an event is to look at ua and previous_ua in the audit logs, as these will illustrate the change in user_agent.user

The format of the anomaly detection logs is similar to the rest of the audit logs, but with the addition of a details object adding the reasoning for the behavior being detected as an anomaly.

For example, here's an anomaly audit log caused by an ip_address anomaly.

"id": "<id>",
"date_create": 1644428305,
"action": "anomaly",
"actor": {
"type": "user",
"user": {
"id": "U123ABC456",
"name": "Alice Smith",
"email": "",
"team": "T123ABC456"
"entity": {
"type": "user",
"user": {
"id": "U123ABC456",
"name": "Alice Smith",
"email": "",
"team": "T123ABC456"
"context": {
"location": {
"type": "workspace",
"id": "E123ABC456",
"name": "Elysium",
"domain": "elysium"
"ua": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/64.0.3282.186 Safari\/537.36",
"session_id": "847288190092",
"details": {
"action_timestamp": 1644428253989994,
"location": "Reno, Nevada",
"previous_ip_address": "",
"previous_ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0",
"reason": [
"ip_address_details": [

Exclude a list of trusted ASNs and/or IP ranges from detection

Slack provides an API for admins to manage allow-lists of trusted ASNs and IP ranges (using CIDR notation) on their Enterprise Grid Slack instance. Traffic from allow-listed ASNs and IP ranges are not marked as anomalous in admin audit logs.

There are two endpoints you can use to manage your allow-lists of ASNs and IP ranges:


allows Enterprise Grid admins to add trusted ASNs and IP ranges to their Enterprise Grid instance

Writing to this endpoint will overwrite previously added ASNs and IP ranges.

When adding new ASNs and IP ranges, they must include all of the previously added IP ranges and ASNs in the new API call.

tokenRequiredStringThe Enterprise Grid admin's token
trusted_asnArrayAll trusted ASNs
trusted_cidrArrayAll trusted IP ranges, in CIDR notation

Example request payload



Typical Response



allows Enterprise Grid admins to view the trusted ASNs and IP ranges on their Enterprise Grid instance

tokenRequiredStringThe Enterprise Grid admin's token

Example request payload


Typical response
