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Image element

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An example of an image element


typeStringThe type of element. In this case type is always image.Required
alt_textStringA plain-text summary of the image. This should not contain any markup.Required
image_urlStringThe URL for a publicly hosted image. You must provide either an image_url or slack_file. Maximum length for this field is 3000 characters.Optional
slack_fileObjectA Slack image file object that defines the source of the image.Optional

Usage info

Use the image block if you want a block with only an image in it.


"type": "image",
"image_url": "",
"alt_text": "Multiple cute kittens"

An image block using slack_file with a url:

"type": "image",
"slack_file": {
"url": ""
"alt_text": "Slack file object."

An image block using slack_file with a id:

"type": "image",
"slack_file": {
"id": "F0123456",
"alt_text": "Slack file object."