Interaction payloads
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Interaction payloads are sent to your app when an end user interacts with one of a range of Slack app features.
The resulting interaction payload can have different structures depending on the source. The structures will have a type
field that indicates the source of the interaction.
The interactivity
type includes properties for both context about the interactor
(i.e., the user) and an interactivity_pointer
. This type can be input to function as with other attributes: through a Workflow Builder template (e.g., a user who clicked a button) or as an output from a previous step. The only functions allowed to output the interactivity context
are Slack functions. An example is as follows:
"interactor": {
"id": "U01AB2CDEFG",
"secret": "AbCdEFghIJklOMno1P2qRStuVwXyZAbcDef3GhijKLM4NoPqRSTuVWXyZaB5CdEfGHIjKLM6NoP7QrSt"
"interactivity_pointer": "1234567890123.4567890123456.78a90bc12d3e4f567g89h0i1j23k4l56"
For more details, refer to interactivity.
Read the individual reference guides to see the breakdown of each type
of payload:
Payload type | Description |
block_actions | Received when a user clicks a Block Kit interactive component. |
message_actions | Received when an app action in the message menu is used. |
view_closed | Received when a modal is canceled. |
view_submission | Received when a modal is submitted. |
Read our guide to handling payloads from user interactions to learn how your app should process and respond to these payloads.