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block_suggestion payloads

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A block_suggestion payload is received when a user interacts with a select menu of external data source element. Users may return a maximum of 100 options or option groups when handling the block_suggestion payload.

Read our guide to handling payloads from user interactions to learn how your app should process and respond to these payloads.


This is a list of the properties that can be encountered in this type of interaction payload:

Properties received in a block_suggestion event may differ based on the source of the interactive elements—a modal view, message, or home tab surface.

A check in the column means that property is included in a block_suggestion event sent to a function, a non-function, or both. Functions refer to workflow apps; refer to workflow automations Interactivity overview for more information.

userDetails for the user that initiated the block suggestion interaction. The user.team_id will report an enterprise organization ID (which starts with an E) instead of team ID (which starts with a T), when using Enterprise Grid.Required
teamThe workspace, or team, details the Block Kit interaction originated from. In the case of Enterprise Grid, team can also have the properties enterprise_id and enterprise_name, which represent the ID and the name of the grid, respectively.Required
api_app_idThe encoded application ID the event was dispatched to, e.g. A123456.Required
block_idIdentifies the block within a surface that contained the interactive component that was used. See the reference guide for the block you're using for more info on the block_id field.Required
action_idIdentifies the interactive component itself. Some blocks can contain multiple interactive components, so the block_id alone may not be specific enough to identify the source component. See the reference guide for the interactive element you're using for more info on the action_id field.Required
function_dataMetadata about the function execution that generated the block where this block suggestion took place.Required
bot_access_tokenA workflow (just-in-time) token generated for this block suggestion.Required
enterpriseThe enterprise the installed app is part of, if the app is either workspace-installed on an org, or org-installed.Optional
channelThe channel the block suggestion interaction originated from.Optional
messageThe message where this block suggestion took place, if the block was contained in a message.Optional
viewThe view where this block suggestion took place, if the block was contained in a view.Optional
valueThe value the user entered into the select menu.Required


A payload from a block suggestion component used in a modal view:

"type": "block_suggestion",
"team": {
"id": "ABC123DEF45",
"domain": "workspace"
"enterprise": null,
"user": {
"id": "EXAMPLE1234",
"name": "sallyslack",
"team_id": "ABC123DEF45"
"view": {
"id": "DEFGHIJ89101",
"team_id": "ABC123DEF45",
"app_id": "APPID6789101",
"app_installed_team_id": "ABC123DEF45",
"bot_id": "BOTSRCOOL12",
"title": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Deny Request",
"emoji": true
"type": "modal",
"blocks": [
/* ... your view blocks here */
"close": null,
"submit": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Next",
"emoji": true
"state": {
"values": {}
"hash": "1695235327.610lSjjQ",
"private_metadata": "{\"messageTS\":\"1695235212.424669\"}",
"callback_id": "deny_modal_main",
"root_view_id": "DEFGHIJ89101",
"previous_view_id": null,
"clear_on_close": false,
"notify_on_close": true,
"external_id": ""
"container": {
"type": "view",
"view_id": "DEFGHIJ89101"
"api_app_id": "APPID6789101",
"action_id": "ext_select_input",
"block_id": "ext_select_block",
"value": "tech",
"function_data": {
"execution_id": "EXECUTEF9101",
"function": {
"callback_id": "review_approval"
"inputs": {
"details": "test",
"subject": "test",
"requester_id": "EXAMPLE1234",
"approval_channel_id": "APPROVE1234"
"bot_access_token": "xwfp-2335208212870-2354592155553-5925491402867-c2a66a8fb377b19e0d8f6c8d24af530d"

A payload from suggestion component used in a message from a workspace using Enterprise Grid:

"type": "block_suggestion",
"user": {
"id": "ABCDE6789",
"username": "harry-potter",
"name": "harry-potter",
"team_id": "ENT4567"
"container": {
"type": "message",
"message_ts": "1628851405.000300",
"channel_id": "CHAN56789",
"is_ephemeral": false
"api_app_id": "APP876543",
"token": "XAg1RqiO8jaSczkIQpxq7Z4o",
"action_id": "location_select-action",
"block_id": "bK6",
"value": "test",
"team": {
"id": "ENT4567",
"domain": "my-gridworkspace",
"enterprise_id": "ENT123789",
"enterprise_name": "my-enterprise"
"enterprise": {
"id": "ENT123789",
"name": "my-enterprise"
"is_enterprise_install": false,
"channel": {
"id": "CHAN56789",
"name": "channel-team-01"
"message": {
"bot_id": "B0T123456",
"type": "message",
"text": "Text+here+for+notifications",
"user": "ABCDE6789",
"ts": "1628851405.000300",
"blocks": [
"type": "input",
"block_id": "bK6",
"label": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Select+Location",
"emoji": true
"optional": false,
"dispatch_action": false,
"element": {
"type": "external_select",
"action_id": "location_select-action",
"placeholder": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Select+location",
"emoji": true
"team": "ENT4567"