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Usage info

This method returns member and conversation analytics data presented as new-line delimited JSON files, compressed with gzip.

Each response contains a file with analytics data for a single day.

As of February 2023, analytics data is available on a rolling 13-month basis.

If you recently upgraded from a Free or Pro plan, you will only have access to data starting from when you upgraded (the 13 months of historical data will not immediately apply). Once you've been on a Business+, Select/Compliance, or Grid plan for 13 months, the data will become available on a rolling 13-month basis.

Historical data is not recomputed when a workspace and its accompanying member engagement data is added to or removed from an organization. Similarly, if a member is removed from a workspace, the data returned by the API will not update historical engagement data to reflect only the workspaces the member is currently a part of. This behavior differs from the Analytics Dashboard in Org and Team settings, which does consider historical changes in its calculation of 30 day and all time metrics.

The date argument is required when requesting daily analytics data. It represents the date in UTC corresponding to the analytics data you're requesting. Omit this argument when setting metadata_only to true, as metadata cannot be filtered by date.

When setting type to public_channel, you may also use the metadata_only boolean argument, which changes the response entirely to give you metadata about the public channels appearing in your conversation analytics. Omit the date parameter when using this mode.

Practical usage example

To quickly decompress a file and view the JSON directly, use a cURL command like:

curl "{%BASE_API_URL%}/api/" -d "date=2020-11-03&type=member" | gunzip -c > member_analytics_2020_11_03.json

...and you'll have a member_analytics_2020_11_03.json file in the current operating directory. In some organizations the decompressed size can be quite large. Take care that you have the disk or memory space you need to store and process these files.

Here's an example for conversation analytics:

curl "{%BASE_API_URL%}/api/" -d "date=2021-01-04&type=public_channel" | gunzip -c > public_channel_analytics_2021_01_04.json

And another for channel metadata to accompany that conversation analytics request—note that we omit date.

curl "{%BASE_API_URL%}/api/" -d "type=public_channel&metadata_only=true" | gunzip -c > public_channel_metadata_2021_01_04.json


This method is almost completely unlike other Web API methods you encounter. It doesn't return application/json with the traditional "ok": true response on success, though you'll find "ok": false on failure.

Instead, it returns a single file, often very large, containing JSON objects that are separated by newlines and then compressed with application/gzip.

To open the successful response and utilize the data, you must first store and decompress the response. Some tools may parse new line-separated JSON for you with ease, while other tools will require that you first split each new line separated "row" into its own separate JSON object before being deserialized. After decompression, the file returned in the response will look something like the following, depending on the type of analytics requested.

Member analytics response

Here are 3 example lines of JSON you would find after decompressing a member analytics file. Each line provides information about a different user.


To be extra helpful, here's one of those lines formatted a little prettier:

"enterprise_id": "E5UBAR8CH",
"date": "2020-10-05",
"user_id": "W3DOSZD23IP",
"email_address": "",
"is_guest": false,
"is_billable_seat": true,
"is_active": true,
"is_active_ios": true,
"is_active_android": false,
"is_active_desktop": false,
"reactions_added_count": 521,
"messages_posted_count": 5,
"channel_messages_posted_count": 5,
"files_added_count": 0,
"is_active_apps": true,
"is_active_workflows": true,
"is_active_slack_connect": false,
"total_calls_count": 10,
"slack_calls_count": 3,
"slack_huddles_count": 5,
"search_count": 32,
"date_claimed": 1584810510

Public channel analytics response

This example shows 3 lines of decompressed public channel analytics. Each line provides information about activity in a single public channel.

{"enterprise_id":"EJB3MZFLM","team_id":"EJB3MZFLM","originating_team":{"team_id":"EJB3MZFLM","name":"arcane-enterprise"},"channel_id":"CNGZ5K595","date_created":1355111593,"date_last_active":1452719593,"total_members_count":5,"full_members_count":4,"guest_member_count":1,"messages_posted_count":1,"messages_posted_by_members_count":1,"members_who_viewed_count":5,"members_who_posted_count":1,"reactions_added_count":1,"visibility":"public","channel_type":"multi_workspace_channel","is_shared_externally":true,"shared_with":[{"team_id":"T5J3Q04QA","name":"scifi"},{"team_id":"EJB3MZFLM","name":"arcane-enterprise"}],"externally_shared_with_organizations":[{"name":"Away Org","domain":""}],"date":"2020-11-14"}

And here's just one line of that formatted in a friendly fashion:

"enterprise_id": "EJB3MZFLM",
"team_id": "EJB3MZFLM",
"originating_team": {
"team_id": "EJB3MZFLM",
"name": "arcane-enterprise"
"channel_id": "CNGZ5K595",
"date_created": 1355111593,
"date_last_active": 1452719593,
"total_members_count": 5,
"full_members_count": 4,
"guest_member_count": 1,
"messages_posted_count": 1,
"messages_posted_by_members_count": 1,
"members_who_viewed_count": 5,
"members_who_posted_count": 1,
"reactions_added_count": 1,
"visibility": "public",
"channel_type": "multi_workspace_channel",
"is_shared_externally": false,
"shared_with": [
"team_id": "T5J3Q04QA",
"name": "scifi"
"team_id": "EJB3MZFLM",
"name": "arcane-enterprise"
"externally_shared_with_organizations": [
"name": "Away Org",
"domain": ""
"date": "2020-11-14"

Public channel metadata response

Uncompressed, you'll find each public channel's metadata on a single line like so:

{"channel_id":"CNGL0K091","name":"tomorrow","topic":"I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today","description":"What do you want to do tomorrow?","date":"2020-11-14"}
{"channel_id":"CNGG2KB92","name":"announcements","topic":"What's new with what you do","description":"Company announcements, edicts, and mandates","date":"2020-11-14"}
{"channel_id":"CNGZ5K595","name":"teds","topic":"'No you meant the other ted' - @ted","description":"A channel just for teds, by teds.","date":"2020-11-14"}

And here's that last one printed pretty for you:

"channel_id": "CNGZ5K595",
"name": "teds",
"topic": "'No you meant the other ted' - @ted",
"description": "A channel just for teds, by teds.",
"date": "2020-11-14"

The response format changes depending on which type of analytics you're retrieving.

Member analytics

Inaccurate billable seat count

After July 10, 2023, is_billable_seat will only provide an accurate count for invoiced customers. Customers who purchased their plan via the Slack website and pay for it by credit card or self-serve invoicing should not use is_billable_seat to count their billable users.

dateThe date this row of data is representative of2020-09-13
enterprise_idUnique ID of the involved Enterprise organizationE2AB3A10F
user_idThe canonical, organization-wide user ID this row concernsW1F83A9F9
email_addressThe email address of record for the same
enterprise_employee_numberThis field is pulled from data synced via a SCIM API custom attribute273849373
is_guestUser is classified as a guest (not a full workspace member) on the date in the API requestfalse
is_billable_seatUser is classified as a billable user (included in the bill) for invoiced customers on the date in the API request. Customers who purchased their plan via the Slack website and pay for it by credit card or self-serve invoicing should not use this to count their billable userstrue
is_activeUser has posted a message or read at least one channel or direct message on the date in the API requesttrue
is_active_iosUser has posted a message or read at least one channel or direct message on the date in the API request via the Slack iOS Apptrue
is_active_androidUser has posted a message or read at least one channel or direct message on the date in the API request via the Slack Android Appfalse
is_active_desktopUser has posted a message or read at least one channel or direct message on the date in the API request via the Slack Desktop Apptrue
reactions_added_countTotal reactions added to any message type in any conversation type by the user on the date in the API request. Removing reactions is not included. This metric is not de-duplicated by message—if a user adds 3 different reactions to a single message, we will report 3 reactions20
messages_posted_countTotal messages posted by the user on the date in the API request to all message and conversation types, whether public, private, multi-person direct message, etc.40
channel_messages_posted_countTotal messages posted by the user in private channels and public channels on the date in the API request, not including direct messages30
files_added_countTotal files uploaded by the user on the date in the API request5
is_active_appsReturns true when this member has interacted with a Slack app or custom integration on the given day, or if such an app or integration has performed an action on the user's behalf, such as updating their custom statustrue
is_active_workflowsReturns true when this member has interacted with at least one workflow on a given dayfalse
is_active_slack_connectReturns true when the member is considered active on Slack Connect, in that they've read or posted a message to a channel or direct message shared with at least one external workspacetrue
total_calls_countTotal number of calls made or joined on a given day, including Huddles, Slack native calls, and calls made using third-party software besides Slack calls10
slack_calls_countTotal number of Slack calls made or joined on a given day, excluding any calls using third-party software besides Slack calls10
slack_huddles_countTotal number of Slack Huddles made or joined on a given day5
search_countThe number of searches this user performed in Slack on a given day3
date_claimedThe date of the very first time the member signed in to any workspace within the grid organization, presented in seconds since the epoch (UNIX time)1584810530

Conversation analytics fields

At this time, these analytics are only available for public channels. Archived and deleted channels are not included.

The account associated with the token making the request must have the Public Channel Management permission. By default, the only account with this permission is an organization's primary owner.

If you need more metadata about these public channels, you can quickly fetch it by setting metadata_only to true. Learn more about the information available.

enterprise_idImmutable, unique id for the Grid Organization. When the API is called by a customer not on Grid plan, this field has value "0"E123ABC456
team_idImmutable, unique id of the teamT123ABC567
originating_teamA JSON object with the team_id and name of the workspace that created this public channel{"team_id":"T123ABC456","name":"arcane"}
channel_idThe unique id belonging to this channel. The metadata_only mode will give you information like the channel's nameC123ABC456
channel_typeIndicates which kind of public channel this is: single_workspace_channel, multi_workspace_channel, or org_wide_channel.single_workspace_channel
visibilityIndicates whether the channel is public or private. Only public channel analytics is available at this time.public
shared_withIndicates which, if any, workspaces in the same organization this channel is shared with. Presented as an array of JSON objects containing a team_id and a name. Only works with channel_type set to multi_channel_workspace. One of the included team_id values corresponds to the organization itself, such as this E123457 example.[{"team_id":"T123456","name":"pentameter"},{"team_id":"E123457","name":"markov corp"}]
is_shared_externallyA boolean value revealing whether the channel is shared with workspaces outside of this organization when set to true.false
externally_shared_with_organizationsIndicates which, if any, external organizations this channel is shared with. Presented as an array of JSON objects containing an organization name and a slack domain. Only works with is_shared_externally set to true.[{"name":"Away Org","domain":""}]
date_createdThe date and time the channel was first created, presented in seconds since the epoch (UNIX time).1452719593
date_last_activeThe date and time the channel last had a message posted in it, presented in seconds since the epoch (UNIX time).1584820530
total_members_countA count of total full members & guests7
full_members_countA count of people in this channel who have a Full Member account.6
guest_member_countA count of people in this channel who have a guest account.1
messages_posted_countA count of total messages posted, including messages from apps and integration on the given day223
messages_posted_by_members_countA count of total messages posted from Slack Members & guests (human users only) on the given day193
members_who_posted_countA count of the unique number of human users (guests & full members) who posted a message on the given day3
members_who_viewed_countA count of the unique human users (guests & full members) who read a message on the given day225
reactions_added_countA count of emoji reactions left on any message in channel on that given day by human users23
dateThe day in question for the query; the date requested by user for usage metrics2020-11-14

Public channel metadata

If you're retrieving conversation analytics but want to know more than just the ID of each channel, you can issue a separate request to retrieve bulk metadata about the public channels in the analytics report.

The response is in line-delimited JSON, similar to all other responses in this method, with each line containing an object with these fields. The same scope used typically in this method is all you need to retrieve this data.

channel_idThe channel's unique identifier—the very same used in the analytics aboveC123ABC456
nameThe latest name of the channelama
topicThe latest channel topicAre Jesse's paragraphs too long?
descriptionA longer description about the purpose of the channelAsk our editors all about their favorite literature
dateThese details are current as of this date, which is also when you're making this API call2020-11-14