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admin.apps.activities.list method

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Usage info

This method returns all workflow executions for an organization.

Additionally, it can be used to ingest logs and to monitor errors across an organization. This can help admins identify and fix problems with workflows and apps, and ensure that their users are having a positive experience.

Here are some specific examples of how the method can be used:

  1. An admin can use the method to identify all executions of a particular app that have failed. This information can be used to troubleshoot the app and fix the problem.
  2. An admin can use the method to track the number of executions of a workflow over time. This information can be used to identify any trends in usage, such as an increase in usage during certain times of the day or week.

Overall, this method is a powerful tool that can be used to manage and analyze executions in an organization. It can help admins to troubleshoot problems and monitor usage.

Note that if multiple filters are used, filtering will be performed with a logical 'and' operator.

Event type definitions

Each event type has some subtleties, which are documented here. For example, some event types might carry a different meaning based on the log level. The content of the payload object for each activity in the activities[] array is also dependent on the event_type.


	"payload": {
"function_name": "Reverse",
"function_type": "app"


The log level could be info meaning the execution was a success, or could be error in case of failure.

	"payload": {
"function_name": "Reverse",
"error": "An optional error message, this property is absent in case of success."


	"payload": {
"log": "The raw stdout/stderr from the function execution captured at the end of the process execution."


The possible values for the action property are: 'Create', 'Update', and 'Delete'. Note: For the 'Delete' action, the property bundle_size_kb will be absent.

	"payload": {
"action": "Create",
"team_id": "T12345",
"user_id": "U12345",
"bundle_size_kb": 13


	"payload": {
"channel_id": "C12345",
"bot_user_id": "U12345"


	"payload": {
"workflow_name": "Reverse",
"actor": "U12345",


The possible values for the exec_outcome property are: 'Pending', 'Success', and "Error'.

	"payload": {
"workflow_name": "Reverse",
"exec_outcome": "Success"


	"payload": {
"function_id": "Fn12345",
"total_steps": 1,
"current_step": 1,
"function_name": "Reverse",
"function_execution_id": "Fx12345"


	"payload": {
"workflow_name": "Reverse"


	"payload": {
"workflow_name": "Reverse"


The inputs property will display the workflow inputs, this can be anything. The possible values for the exec_outcome property are: 'Pending', 'Success', and "Error'.

	"payload": {
"inputs": {
"string": "Reverse"
"function_id": "Fn12345",
"exec_outcome": "Success",
"function_name": "Reverse",
"function_execution_id": "Fx12345"


	"payload": {
"template_id": "SEND_KUDOS",
"date_created": 12345


The possible values for the type property are: 'event', 'shortcut', 'webhook', 'scheduled', 'external' and "blockkit'. Note: The trip_information can be null/empty and theconfig property will be different based on the type of trigger.

	"payload": {
"trigger": {
"id": "Ft12345",
"type": "shortcut",
"config": {
"name": "Reverse",
"description": "Reverses a string"
"trip_information": {
"user_id": "U12345",
"channel_id": "C12345"
"function_name": "Reverse"


The possible values for the code property are: 'app_not_found', 'app_not_installed', 'provider_not_found', and "external_auth_started'.

	"payload": {
"code": "external_auth_started",
"team_id": "T12345",
"user_id": "U12345",
"provider_key": "secret:key:12345",
"app_id": "A12345"


The possible values for the code property can be 'oauth2_callback_error' or "oauth2_exchange_success'.

	"payload": {
"code": "oauth2_exchange_success",
"team_id": "T12345",
"user_id": "U12345",
"provider_key": "secret:key:12345",
"app_id": "A12345"


There are multiple possible values for the code property, it will display successful or unsuccessful codes such as: 'no_collaborator_found', 'external_token_found', 'token_not_found', etc.

	"payload": {
"code": "external_token_found",
"team_id": "T12345",
"user_id": "U12345",
"provider_key": "secret:key:12345",
"app_id": "A12345"


The possible value for the code property is only 'function_not_found'.

	"payload": {
"code": "function_not_found",
"team_id": "T12345",
"function_id": "Fn12345",
"app_id": "A12345"


The possible values for the code property can be any error encountered; for example 'missing_oauth_token_or_selected_auth'.

	"payload": {
"code": "missing_oauth_token_or_selected_auth",
"team_id": "T12345",
"user_id": "U12345",
"provider_key": "secret:key:12345",
"app_id": "A12345"
