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admin.apps.approve method

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Usage info

This App Management API method approves an app install request, approves an app for a particular workspace, approves an app across an entire enterprise. When approved for an enterprise, an app can still be independently restricted on particular workspaces.

This method requires an admin.* scope. It's obtained through the normal OAuth process, but there are a few additional requirements. The scope must be requested by an Enterprise Grid admin or owner, and the OAuth install must take place on the entire Grid org, not an individual workspace. See the admin.apps:write method for more detailed instructions. When the admin.apps:write scope is used in an admin app to approve or restrict other app installs across an entire Enterprise Grid organization, the UI-based process is disabled and the admin app solely manages apps.

Exactly one of the team_id or enterprise_id arguments is required, not both.

Either app_id or request_id is required. These IDs can be obtained either directly via the app_requested event, or by the admin.apps.requests.list method.

If an app was previously approved/resolved at an org level, it will need to be re-approved at the org level upon any scope changes.

Reinstalling the app to the workspace is required to add new scopes, but no approval at the workspace level is required.
