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admin.audit.anomaly.allow.updateItem method

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Usage info

Allows enterprise grid admins to write/overwrite the allow list of IP blocks and ASNs from the enterprise configuration.

Writing to this endpoint will over write previously added IP ranges and ASNs.

If you are adding new IP ranges and ASNs you must include all of the previously added IP ranges and ASNs in your new API call or they will be overwritten.

The token argument is required and is a session token (xoxc- or xoxp-).

Please note that the xoxp- token must be:

  • created by an org admin
  • have a user token scope of admin

Additionally, the app using the token must be installed at the org level.

The trusted_asns argument is optional and is an allow list of asns as integers.

The trusted_cidrs argument is optional and is an allow list of IPs using CIDR notation as strings.

Example Request



The response is a JSON string containing the field ok. Sucessful writes have a true status while unsuccessful writes that are not errors will return false.

"ok": true