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admin.usergroups.addChannels method

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Usage info

Helpful hint: Default org-wide channels (where everyone is a member anyway) cannot be set as a default for an IDP group with this method.

Another note: if a channel specified has already been linked to the given IDP group, no changes occur (for example, users that have chosen to leave the default channel will not be added again.)## Response You may also receive a "partial" success response when some of the provided channels in the channel_ids are added successfully. In this case, invalid_channels contains the channels that could not be added.

"ok": false,
"error": "channel_not_found",
"invalid_channels": ["C1234D1R4", "C1234D1R5"]

You might see a partial success response if you do not have enough permissions to manage all the specified channels, or if some channel_ids are not valid, or if the types of some channels are not supported.