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calls.add method

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Usage info

This method is part of our Calls API.

For more information on how to specify users, read our additional documentation in the usage guide.


"ok": true,
"call": {
"id": "R0E69JAIF",
"date_start": 1562002086,
"external_unique_id": "025169F6-E37A-4E62-BB54-7F93A0FC4C1F",
"join_url": "",
"desktop_app_join_url": "callapp://join/1234567890",
"external_display_id": "705-292-868",
"title": "Kimpossible sync up",
"users": [
"slack_id": "U0MQG83FD"
"external_id": "54321678",
"display_name": "Kim Possible",
"avatar_url": ""

Note that the success response includes an id associated with the Call. This ID can be used to post the Call to a channel by using the chat.postMessage method with the following block:

"blocks": [
"type": "call",
"call_id": "R0E69JAIF"