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canvases.access.set method

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Usage info

Canvases are only available to Slack workspaces on a paid plan.

The canvases.access.set method sets the access level to a canvas for specified entities. Call the canvases.access.set method to establish and set the desired access level for the canvas.

Share the canvas link in the channel or with the user you are trying to set access levels for, respectively. For instance, if you are passing the user_ids argument to update a specific user's access, you must have sent the user the canvas directly first. Even if the user is a member of a channel where the canvas has been shared, calling the canvases.access.set method with a user_ids argument will fail. Since the permissions are set at the channel level, they must also be changed at the channel level.

Sharing canvases via DM or MPDM

Access levels can only be set for regular channels. Channel IDs associated with direct messages (DMs) or multi-party direct messages (MPDMs) will not be accepted and will result in an unsuccessful request. For sharing a canvas to DMs or MPDMs, use individual user IDs instead.
