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conversations.replies method

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Usage info

This Conversations API method returns a cursor-paginated thread of messages posted to a conversation. The scopes and token types required to use this method vary by conversation type.

Bot user tokens may use this method for direct message and multi-party direct message conversations, but lack sufficient permissions to use this method on public and private channels.

To use conversations.replies with public or private channel threads, use a user token with channels:history or groups:history scopes.

The channel and ts arguments are always required. ts must be the timestamp of an existing message. If no replies, just the single message referenced by ts will return.

The thread_not_found error shown in the example error response can also apply to the channel_leave and channel_join message subtypes, as these message subtypes cannot be threaded.



This method uses cursor-based pagination to make it easier to incrementally collect information. To begin pagination, specify a limit value under 1000. We recommend no more than 200 results at a time.

Responses will include a top-level response_metadata attribute containing a next_cursor value. By using this value as a cursor parameter in a subsequent request, along with limit, you may navigate through the collection page by virtual page.

See pagination for more information.

Pagination by time

This form of pagination can be used in conjunction with cursors.

The messages array contains up to 1000 messages between the oldest and latest timestamps. The earliest messages in the time range are returned first.

If there were more than 1000 messages between oldest and latest, then has_more will be true in the response. In an additional call, set the ts value of the final message as latest to get the next page of messages.

If a message has the same timestamp as oldest or latest it will not be included in the list. This functionality allows you to use the timestamps of specific messages as boundaries for the results. You can, however, have both timestamps be included in the time range by setting inclusive to true. The inclusive parameter is ignored when oldest or latest is not specified.