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Usage info

Dialogs are outmoded and are being replaced with modals.

If you are still using dialogs, we recommend upgrading them to modals using Block Kit.

Open a dialog with a user by exchanging a trigger_id received from another interaction. See the legacy dialogs documentation to learn how to obtain triggers define form elements.

As with all of our Web API methods, primarily takes URL-encoded parameters as arguments. Similar to chat.postMessage, chat.unfurl, and chat.update this method also includes a parameter that expects a JSON object encoded with application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

A simple form you might create could be modeled in JSON as:

"callback_id": "ryde-46e2b0",
"title": "Request a Ride",
"submit_label": "Request",
"state": "Limo",
"elements": [
"type": "text",
"label": "Pickup Location",
"name": "loc_origin"
"type": "text",
"label": "Dropoff Location",
"name": "loc_destination"

To prepare that as a HTTP POST to, you'd optionally minify and then URL encode that JSON to a single string, displayed below as the value for the dialog POST body parameter.

POST /api/

You can avoid this nonsense by posting JSON instead.


Assuming your submitted dialog elements were properly formatted, valid, and the trigger_id was viable, you will receive a minimal success response. If your form was invalid, Slack will try to provide a detailed accounting of why and provide the validation_errors error. Look for the response_metadata node and the messages array contained within for human-readable validation errors.

When we encounter an error with a specific form element, we'll indicate which element by a zero-indexed integer: 0 indicates the first provided element, 1 the second, and so on.