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reactions.list method

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Usage info

This method returns a list of all items (file, file comment, channel message, group message, or direct message) with reactions made by the user.

The team_id is only relevant when using an org-level token. This field will be ignored if the API call is sent using a workspace-level token.


Every item in the list has a type property, while the other properties depend on the type of item. The possible types are:

  • message: the item will have a message property containing a message object and a channel property containing the channel ID for the message
  • file: this item will have a file property containing a file object
  • file_comment: the item will have a file property containing the file object and a comment property containing the file comment

The users array in the reactions property will always contain the authenticated user, but might not always contain all users that have reacted. The value of count, however, will always represent the count of all users who made that reaction (i.e. it may be greater than users.length).

If the user has multiple reactions on a single message, then the relevant message will appear as multiple identical items in the list - one item for each reaction.

Pagination information follows the returned list of items, and contains:

  • the count of items returned, up to 1000
  • the total number of items reacted to
  • the page of results returned in this response, up to 100
  • the total number of pages available