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search.files method

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Usage info

This method returns files matching a search query.

The team_id is only relevant when using an org-level token. This field will be ignored if the API call is sent using a workspace-level token.


The response envelope contains paging and result information.

When using a user token with this method, search results will be affected by the search filters set in the Slack UI. Matches contains a list of file objects.

All search methods support the highlight parameter. If specified, the matching query terms will be marked up in the results so that clients may replace them with appropriate highlighting markers (e.g. <span class="highlight"></span>). The UTF-8 markers we use are:

start: "\xEE\x80\x80"; # U+E000 (private-use) end : "\xEE\x80\x81"; # U+E001 (private-use)

Please note that the max count value is 100 and the max page value is 100.