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stars.list method

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Usage info

Stars can still be listed via stars.list but they can no longer be viewed or interacted with by end-users.

We recommend retiring any app functionality that relies on stars APIs.

End-users can use the new Later view, but Later APIs are not currently available. As a result of this transition, the stars.list method will no longer reflect anything new that users are saving.

See this changelog for more information.

This method lists the items starred by the authed user.


The response contains a list of starred items followed by pagination information.

Different item types can be starred. Every item in the list has a type property, the other property depend on the type of item. The possible types are:

  • message: the item will have a message property containing a message object
  • file: this item will have a file property containing a file object.
  • file_comment: the item will have a file property containing the file object and a comment property containing the file comment.
  • channel: the item will have a channel property containing the channel ID.
  • im: the item will have a channel property containing the channel ID for this direct message.
  • group: the item will have a group property containing the channel ID for the private group.


This method uses cursor-based pagination to make it easier to incrementally collect information. To begin pagination, specify a limit value under 1000. We recommend no more than 200 results at a time.

Responses will include a top-level response_metadata attribute containing a next_cursor value. By using this value as a cursor parameter in a subsequent request, along with limit, you may navigate through the collection page by virtual page.

See pagination for more information.