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tooling.tokens.rotate method

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Usage info

App Manifest API beta

This API is in beta, and is subject to change without the usual notice period for changes.

Keep your tokens secure

App configuration access and refresh tokens are unique to you. Do not share them with anyone.

Rotating configuration tokens

Each app configuration token will expire 12 hours after it has been generated. In order to continually rotate your config tokens, you are also provided with a refresh token.

It's strongly suggested that you refresh your token before it expires, rather than waiting for it to expire and checking for an error from the Slack API.

In order to refresh config tokens, make a call to tooling.tokens.rotate, using the refresh token in the refresh_token argument. In response you'll receive something like this:

"ok": true,
"token": "xoxe.xoxp-...",
"refresh_token": "xoxe-...",
"team_id": "...",
"user_id": "...",
"iat": 1633095660,
"exp": 1633138860

The token field contains your new config access token, which you can then store and use for Manifest API calls. The refresh_token field contains a new refresh token.

The remainder of the response above contains fields which identify the source workspace and user of each token, as well as timestamps which indicate when the token was issued and when it will expire.

To learn how to use app configuration tokens, read our guide to the App Manifest APIs.
