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users.identity method

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Usage info

After yourSlack app is awarded an identity token through Sign in with Slack, use this method to retrieve a user's identity.

The returned fields depend on any additional authorization scopes you've requested.

With traditional Slack apps, this method must be called by individual user tokens with the identity.basic scope, as provided in the Sign in with Slack process.


Note: When users sign into Slack via Apple, their emails appear as anonymized relay addresses. Sign in with Slack won't work with these users.

User IDs are now globally unique. Unless you are on an Enterprise Grid plan, the same user on two unrelated workspaces will have different user IDs.

See the Sign in with Slack docs for even more information on these responses.

In addition, you can request access to additional profile fields by adding the following authorization scopes to your OAuth request, detailed in the above examples.