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Usage info
Use this method to retrieve a user's profile information.
If you're frequently calling users.profile.get
on behalf of a team or user, we recommend caching labels retrieved from team.profile.get
. Using the include_labels
parameter will severely rate-limit requests to this method.
The following fields are the default fields of a user's workspace profile. A user may have additional custom fields, though! Use team.profile.get
to view all the workspace's custom profile fields.
Field | Type | Description |
avatar_hash | String | |
display_name | String | The display name the user has chosen to identify themselves by in their workspace profile. Do not use this field as a unique identifier for a user, as it may change at any time. Instead, use id and team_id in concert. |
display_name_normalized | String | The display_name field, but with any non-Latin characters filtered out. |
email | String | A valid email address. It cannot have spaces, and it must have an @ and a domain. It cannot be in use by another member of the same team. Changing a user's email address will send an email to both the old and new addresses, and also post a slackbot message to the user informing them of the change. This field can only be changed by admins for users on paid teams. When using an OAuth Access Token (that starts with xoxp- ) to retrieve one's own profile details, the email field will not be returned in the response if the token does not have the scope. |
fields | Object | All the custom profile fields for the user. |
first_name | String | The user's first name. The name slackbot cannot be used. Updating first_name will update the first name within real_name . |
image_* | String | These various fields will contain https URLs that point to square ratio, web-viewable images (GIFs, JPEGs, or PNGs) that represent different sizes of a user's profile picture. |
last_name | String | The user's last name. The name slackbot cannot be used. Updating last_name will update the second name within real_name . |
phone | String | The user's phone number, in any format. |
pronouns | String | The pronouns the user prefers to be addressed by. |
real_name | String | The user's first and last name. Updating this field will update first_name and last_name . If only one name is provided, the value of last_name will be cleared. |
real_name_normalized | String | The real_name field, but with any non-Latin characters filtered out. |
skype | String | A shadow from a bygone era. It will always be an empty string and cannot be set otherwise. |
start_date | String | The date the person joined the organization. Only available if Slack Atlas is enabled. |
status_emoji | String | The displayed emoji that is enabled for the Slack team, such as :train: . |
status_expiration | Integer | the Unix timestamp of when the status will expire. Providing 0 or omitting this field results in a custom status that will not expire. |
status_text | String | The displayed text of up to 100 characters. We strongly encourage brevity. See custom status for more info. |
team | String | The ID of the workspace the user is in. |
title | String | The user's title. |
profile field, indicating whether the bot user is active in a way that overrides traditional presence rules.Email addresses
The [
](/reference/scopes/ OAuth scope is now required to access the email
field in user objects returned by the users.list
web API methods. users:read
is no longer a sufficient scope for this data field. Learn more.
If the Email Display setting is unchecked in your Slack Admin settings, users.profile.get
does not return an email