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MPIM object

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A MPIM object is a legacy object that contains information about a multi-party instant message. MPIM objects are now conversation objects.

"id": "G024BE91L",
"name": "mpdm-user1--user2--user3-1",
"is_mpim": true,
"is_group": false,
"created": 1360782804,
"creator": "U024BE7LH",
"members": [
"last_read": "1401383885.000061",
"latest": {}
"unread_count": 0,
"unread_count_display": 0

idstringThe ID of the MPIM.
namestringIndicates the name of the MPIM.
is_mpimbooleanIndicates if a multi-party instant message (mpim) is being emulated as a group. For compatibility with older clients, mpims can appear as groups unless rtm.start is called with mpim_aware=1.
is_groupbooleanIndicates if the object is a group.
createdUnix timestampIndicates when the MPIM was created.
creatorstringThe user ID of the member that created the MPIM.
membersarrayA list of user IDs for all users in this MPIM. This includes any disabled accounts that were in this MPIM when they were disabled.