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Usergroup object

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A usergroup object contains information about a group of users.

"id": "S123ABC456",
"team_id": "T060RNRCH",
"is_usergroup": true,
"name": "Workspace Admins",
"description": "A group of all Administrators on your workspace.",
"handle": "admins",
"is_external": false,
"date_create": 1446598059,
"date_update": 1446670362,
"date_delete": 0,
"auto_type": "admin",
"created_by": "USLACKBOT",
"updated_by": "U060RNRCZ",
"deleted_by": null,
"prefs": {
"channels": [

"groups": [

"users": [
"user_count": "4"
idstringThe ID of the usergroup.
team_idstringThe ID of the team.
is_usergroupbooleanIndicates if the object is a user group.
namestringIndicates the friendly name of the group.
descriptionstringExplains the purpose of the group (optional).
handlestringIndicates the value used to notify group members via a mention without a leading @ sign.
is_externalbooleanIndicates if the user group is external.
date_createUnix timestampWhen the user group was created.
date_updateUnix timestampWhen the user group was last updated.
date_deleteUnix timestampNon-zero value for disabled groups.
auto_typestringCan be admins for a Workspace Admins group, owners for a Workspace Owners group or null for a custom group.
created_bystringUser ID of the member who created the user group.
updated_bystringUser ID of the member who updated the user group.
deleted_bystringUser ID of the member who deleted the user group.
prefsobjectContains default channels and groups (private channels) that members of this group will be invited to upon joining.
usersarrayContains a list of user object id values which belong to the user group. This parameter is included if the include_users option is enabled on some API endpoints.
user_countintegerIndicates the total number of users in a group.