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reactions.add method

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Usage info

This method adds a reaction (emoji) to a message. Now that file threads work the way you'd expect, the file and file_comment arguments are deprecated. Specify only channel and timestamp instead.

For Unicode emoji that support skin tone modifiers, name may indicate a modifier by appending ::skin-tone- and a number from 2 to 6, like, thumbsup::skin-tone-6 or wave::skin-tone-3. This will add a reaction with the base emoji and the specified skin color.


After making this call, the reaction is saved and a reaction_added event is broadcast via the Events and RTM APIs.

A not_reactable error is thrown when we decline the opportunity to attach your app's personally selected emoji reaction to a file or file comment. It's not because of how your app feels, it's because that approach is retired. Your app can express its inner reacji for any message though, by specifying channel and timestamp.